International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Note: The schedule of side events may change to accommodate the needs of the Session. For the updated information, please check the monitors at the meeting site or visit the Treaty Website: For more information, please contact the Secretariat at: [email protected]

Last update: 20 November 2023

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Meeting Room

Monday, 20 November
13:15 - 14:15*

Tuesday, 21 November

Wednesday, 22 November

Thursday, 23 November

Lunch time (13:15-14:30)

Austria Room (C250bis)

Decentralized Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources
UNIVERSITA' Politecnica delle Marche (INCREASE project)

Seeds and innovative solutions through the Benefit-sharing Fund
Secretariat of the International Treaty

Strengthening information-based decision-making in PGRFA management: relevance of Global Crop Conservation Strategies and the Plants that Feed the World projects to the International Treaty
Global Crop Diversity Trust, Secretariat of the International Treaty

Access and Rights to Genetic Resources - A Nordic Approach (II)
Nordic Genetic Resource Centre

Iran Room (B116)

Treaty's Value Proposition - Food Processing Industry
Secretariat of the International Treaty

The grapevine genetic resources: preserving the past to ensure the future
International Organization of Vine and Wine

Building a harmonized system to increase fair and equitable benefit sharing from the use of Digital Sequence Information
DSI Scientific Network, CGIAR Genbank platform, Leibniz Insitute IPK, Leibniz Insitute DSMZ, University of Aberdeen

Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ in situ conservation initiatives: From the Potato Park to a global network of genetic reserves for climate resilience and Farmer’s Rights
Asociacion ANDES, INMIP, IIED, SwedBio, Nabzi Sayor, SEARICE

Sheikh Zayed Centre
(except 21 November)

Securing Ukraine’s PGR collection - now and in the future
United States of America, Ukraine, Secretariat of the International Treaty, Global Crop Diversity Trust

Removing the bottlenecks: How to create space for farmer managed seeds
SWISSAID, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Development Fund, AFSA, University of Cape-Town

Ethiopia Room

Launch of the new Crop Calendar
Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO

Seed resilience - what does it mean and how can it be realized?
International Seed Federation

Evening (18:15-19:30)

Austria Room (C250bis)

Promoting conservation through use: A focus on value chains for Neglected and Underutilized Species in 5 African Countries
Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, CTDO Zimbabwe, ZARI-Zambia

DSI in international negotiations: an overview on recent developments at the CBD, ITPGRFA, IGC and PIP Framework/Pandemic Treaty
Université Catholique de Louvain

What seed systems for a nature positive future? Experiences from East Africa
CGIAR Nature Positive Initiative (Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT)

Iran Room (B116)

Documentation of PGRFA and Crop Wild Relatives Inventories
Secretariat of the International Treaty

South-South cooperation for the implementation of Farmers' Rights + Realizing Farmers' Rights
Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores

The Seed and Knowledge Initiative: A decade of working towards realising Farmers' Rights in Southern Africa
University of Cape Town, Zambian Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity, Community Technology Development Trust

Sheikh Zayed Centre

Svalbard Global Seed Vault: 15 years of safeguarding crop diversity
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Norway. Nordic Genetic Resource Centre, Global Crop Diversity Trust

Capacity sharing projects to support the global system
CGIAR Genebank Initiative, Global Crop Diversity Trust

How to develop a farmers’ variety registration system? Lessons from several country pilots
Oxfam Novib, ESAFF

* Since the special event on the theme of the Tenth Session is scheduled to take place in the afternoon of Monday, 20 November, there will be time available for side events during Monday lunch time, with a shorter time slot of 1 hour.

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