Plateforme technique sur l’évaluation et la réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires

Innovations for food processing, food packaging and food storage

Innovations along the food supply chain for each of these activities are being developed that can decrease short term and long-term food loss post-farm gate

Tags: Food loss reduction Fruits and Vegetables Les pertes alimentaires
01 juin 2022
What are the ones most appropriate for scaling up? What is different between staples, horticultural crops and animal sourced foods? I have more questions than answers.
Processing: What are innovative ways for preserving food (drying, canning, others), creating new products, that can be scaled up?
Packaging: Are there new sustainable packing being created that can be scaled up in low and middle income countries? What companies are doing this work and what have been the outcomes from these methods (shelf life, food safety, nutrient value)?
Storage: In addition to storing food in hermetically sealed bags, and solar powered cool rooms, who else is creating new approaches to storing food and food products.

These innovations can increase local economies, decrease food loss and improve food security. I am looking forward to hearing from others.
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