4th International on-line Course on Postharvest & Fresh-cut Technologies
Hybrid Event, 15/09/2019
The ‘4th International on-line Course on Postharvest & Fresh-cut Technologies’ will be offered by the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, in Spain.
41 prestigious professors from 20 countries and 30 universities or research centers will be the instructors. It consists of 50 recorded videos of 30 min each that the participant will be able to watch at his/her convenience as many times as needed and finish the Course according to his/her availability from 15th January to 15th September 2019.
If you are from developing or ‘in transition’ countries you have the chance to apply for the grant due to the support of the University of Cartagena and the Sponsors DECCO WORLD WIDE, SAKATA SEED, MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY & POSTHARVEST.BIZ.
Pre-registration for regular participants are open. Enroll now and complete it at your convenience during 8 months.
Program: click here
Pre-registration:click here
Free registration grants information: click here
More information:http://www.upct.es/gpostref/
‘Making of’ video: https://youtu.be/hlxnkOWdt_o
Contact: [email protected]
Dr. Francisco Artés-Hernández (Chair of the Course)
Dr. Perla Gómez Di Marco and Dr. Francisco Artés-Calero (Co-Chairs of the Course)
Dr. Ginés B. Martínez-Hernández (Coordinator)
International on-line Course on Postharvest and Fresh-cut Technologies
Postharvest & Refrigeration Group
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Murcia. SPAIN