Knowledge sharing, learning and technical exchange on food loss and waste reduction webinar focus on Latin America
Virtual Event, 22/06/2023
SAVE the DATE! The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will host an online knowledge-sharing webinar to promote awareness of tools and methodologies in the framework of the Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste (TPFLW) for South America.
The webinar is going to be in English with Spanish interpretation.
Tentative agenda
Moderator: Ms Kimberly Sullivan, Communication Officer, FAO
Welcome remarks | Dr Rosa Rolle, Senior Officer, FAO and Ms Daniela Godoy, Senior Officer, FAO RLC
Introduction of the Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste and the Community of Practice |Ms Francesca Gianfelici, TPFLW Coordinator, FAO
Interactive session with participants: polls on Food Loss and Waste issues
The FAO Food Loss Analysis methodology:
regional case studies |Ms Jesica Pino, Peru
Progress on Food Loss and Waste reduction in Latin
American Region |Ms Sara GranadosOrtiz, FAO RLC
Q&A session and key takeaways | Dr Rosa Rolle, Senior Officer, FAO
For more info: [email protected]