Knowledge sharing, learning and technical exchange on food loss and waste reduction webinar: Africa
FAO regional workshop for food loss reduction strategy development
Training of Trainers on FAO Food Loss Analysis methodology
FAO is organizing a series of Training of Trainers (TOT) to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals and institutions, through collaboration with institutions, to implement the FAO Food Loss Analysis methodology in order to support evidence-based food losses reduction strategies and policy at national and regional levels.
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4th All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 19/09/2023 - 22/09/2023
Hosted by the African Union Commission (AUC) at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the congress is being organized by the AUC in collaboration with various partners, including development partners, private sector actors, academic/research institutions, and civil society.
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FAO regional workshop for food loss reduction strategy development in favour of smallholder producers in Africa.
Douala (Cameroon), 07/06/2016 - 09/06/2016
Doulala, Cameroon - A three-day workshop organized in the framework of the project entitled ‘Food loss reduction strategy development in favour of smallholder producers in Africa Phase 1’ will be held in Douala, Cameroun from 7 to 9 June 2016. The worksho
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Evaluation of micronutrient losses from postharvest food losses (PHL) in Kenya, Cameroon and India – Implications on micronutrient deficiencies in children under 5
Douala (Cameroon), 14/09/2017
This seminar organized by the FAO Nutrition and Food Systems Division (ESN) will present the project on food losses and waste (FLW) and Nutrition developed by the Nutrition Assessment and Scientific Advice team (ESNA) with support from the Save Food Team.
Potato | Post-harvest operations
Potato is an important staple food world-wide, claiming fourth place after maize, rice and wheat. It is a good carbohydrate source in addition to other nutritional benefits. Potatoes are cooked before consumption which reduces the presence of the toxic alkaloid solanine. Developing countries now produce approximately one third of world production, which was 314 million tonnes in 2008 (FAOSTAT).
Edible aroids | Post-harvest operations
Edible aroids are root crops grown widely in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Taro also known as cocoyam and tannia are the more common species. World taro production in 2008 was over 11 million tonnes principally in Cameroon, China, Ghana and Nigeria, with smaller production in other areas of Africa, Asia and South Pacific (FAOSTAT).
Millet: Post-harvest operations
Millet is a collective term referring to a number of small-seeded annual grasses that are cultivated as grain crops, primarily on marginal lands in dry areas of temperate, sub-tropical and tropical regions. It is regarded as a subsistence grain grown for food and animal fodder. The largest production is in India and Nigeria. Total world production in 2007 was 31 million tonnes (FAOSTAT).