Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Increasing Agricultural Productivity Through Enhanced Post-harvest Management Capacity

Project's full title Increasing Agricultural Productivity Through Enhanced Post-harvest Management Capacity
Country Ethiopia
Start date 27/07/2021
End date 26/07/2025
Status Ongoing
Donor Republic of Korea
Recipient / Target Areas Ethiopia
Project Code GCP /ETH/110/ROK
Objective / Goal The overall objective is to reduce food losses through the adaptation/adoption and implementation of appropriate post-harvest management systems along with agricultural value chains.
Beneficiaries Ministry of Agriculture, Service providers, FAO, Other National Organisations, Women and small holder farmers
Activities The project targets Maize, Wheat, Honey, and Milk and will be implemented in six woredas of East and West Gojam zone in the Amhara region through capacity building and promotion of post-harvest technologies.