Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

New phase of citizens’ engagement|European Citizens’ Panel on Food Waste

Introduction The European Commission has already started the process to achieve this goal. Starting from mid-December 2022 and in the first half of 2023, three panels of 150 citizens each from all 27 Member States will have the opportunity to formulate concrete recommendations to some of the key initiatives of the 2023 Commission Work Programme. The first Citizens' panels will address the issues of food waste, virtual worlds and learning mobility.
Country Belgium European Union France Greece Italy
Start date 11/12/2022
End date 29/06/2023
Status Ongoing
Donor European Union
Recipient / Target Areas European Union, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands
Objective / Goal The citizens’ recommendations, as the outcome of the panel, will support the Commission’s work on food waste. They will also serve as guidance to help Member States in achieving the future targets in reducing food waste.

In its first panel, the Commission is gathering citizens’ insights, on how to step up action to reduce food waste in the EU. 150 randomly selected citizens, who represent the diversity of the population of the EU, are invited to debate on this issue and suggest actions that should be taken by the EU Member States, and actors in the food supply chain, citizens and other stakeholders in view of stepping up the effort to reduce food waste.

The panel meets between December 2022 and February 2023. The first session took place on 16-18 December 2022 in Brussels. It will be followed by an online session on 20-22 January 2023.

The closing session will take place on 10-12 February 2023 in Brussels.

The recordings of the first session are available here (16 December 2022) and here (18 December 2022).

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