Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

Reducing Food Losses through improved Post harvest Management practices in Ethiopia- Phase II

Project's full title Reducing Food Losses through improved Post harvest Management practices in Ethiopia- Phase II
Country Ethiopia
Start date 01/09/2018
End date 31/08/2024
Status Completed
Donor Switzerland
Recipient / Target Areas Ethiopia
Project Code GCP /ETH/099/SWI
Objective / Goal To Improve food and nutrition security and income of smallholder farmers by promoting and supporting development of good post-harvest management for grains in Ethiopia
Beneficiaries Smallholder farmers, farmers groups and cooperatives

Reduced post-harvest losses among smallholder farmers, farmers groups and cooperatives by using improved post-harvest technologies and practices.

Improved food and nutrition security and income of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia.