بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة


DLCC - Desert Locust Control Committee

DLCC purpose is to:- to keep the Desert Locust situation under review;- to coordinate the Desert Locust control campaign in the Arabian Peninsula and other affected areas;- to promote the overall coordination of work by various national and regional anti-locust [...]

ECA - European Commission on Agriculture

The European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) holds its regular sessions every two years, between sessions of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe. Its purpose is to assist the region’s Member Governments in cooperating on agricultural problems – including research, education, extension, [...]

EFC - European Forestry Commission

The European Forestry Commission (EFC) is one of six Regional Forestry Commissions established by FAO to provide a policy and technical forum for countries to discuss and address forest issues on a regional basis. It meets every two years. The EFC [...]

ERC - Regional Conference for Europe

Regional Conferences are an official forum where Ministers of Agriculture and other high officials from all Member States in the region meet to debate challenges related to food and agriculture, thus promoting regional coherence. The Regional Conference is held once every [...]

EuFMD - The European Commission for the control of Foot-and-Mouth disease

The Three Pillars of the EuFMD strategy to counter the threat of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is to work simultaneously with member countries on their preparedness, with European neighbours to put in place sustainable control programmes, and to support and [...]

European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC)

The mission of EIFAAC is to promote the long-term sustainable development, utilization, conservation, restoration and responsible management of European inland fisheries and aquaculture, consistent with the objectives and principles of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other [...]