CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
FAO is committed to promoting gender equality in its work by systematically examining and addressing the needs, priorities and experiences of both women and men throughout the development of its policies, normative standards, programmes, projects and knowledge-building activities, so that [...]
DCED - The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
The DCED is a forum for learning about the most effective ways to fulfil the SDGs by creating economic opportunities and jobs for the poor – based on practical experience in Private Sector Development as well as on domestic policy [...]
GAP - Gender in Agriculture Partnership
Women’s contributions to agricultural production, processing, marketing and household food security and nutrition often go unrecognized. Despite their significance, women commonly suffer huge gender inequalities in access to land, productive resources, markets, decent jobs and information.
A growing body of compelling [...]
GDN - Gender and Disaster Network
The Gender and Disaster Network is an educational project initiated by women and men interested in gender relations in disaster contexts. FAO's Service for Special Relief Operations is dedicated to integrating a gender perspective into all aspects of the Organization's [...]
GEF - Global Environment Facility
With 35 percent of the earth’s land used for crops and pastures, another 30 percent covered by forests and a full 70 percent of abstracted fresh water used by agriculture, there is no question that agriculture needs to be at [...]
Global Gender and Climate Alliance - GGCA
Launched in 2007, the Global Gender and Climate Alliance works to ensure that climate change policies, decision-making, and initiatives at the global, regional and national levels are gender responsive which is critical to solving the climate crisis.
GGCA brings a human [...]