ALAWUC - Agriculture, Land and Water Use Commission for the Near East
This Commission aims to provide a forum through which Member Countries can exchange information and experience, and promote joint programmes at regional and sub-regional levels. It provides support to the FAO and other potential donors to identify issues, problems and [...]
Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission - CACFish
The objectives of CACFish are to promote the development, conservation, rational management and best utilization of living aquatic resources, as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
To achieve its objectives, CACFish has the following [...]
ECA - European Commission on Agriculture
The European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) holds its regular sessions every two years, between sessions of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe.
Its purpose is to assist the region’s Member Governments in cooperating on agricultural problems – including research, education, extension, [...]
GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research
GFAR is an open forum and a movement for change. Together we are working to make agri-food research and innovation more effective, responsive and equitable, towards achieving Sustainable Development outcomes.
GFAR’s focus is to ensure that agricultural innovation systems, encompassing research, [...]
International Fertilizer Development Center - IFDC
The International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) enables smallholder farmers in developing countries to increase agricultural productivity, generate economic growth, and practice environmental stewardship by enhancing their ability to manage mineral and organic fertilizers responsibly and participate profitably in input and [...]
Multiple Use Water Services Group - MUS
The MUS Group is a network of institutional partners and individuals aiming at sharing knowledge and raising awareness on the advantages that Multiple Uses of water can bring to rural users and in particular rural poor in addressing several key [...]