Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza


AFCAS - African Commission on Agricultural Statistics

Through the Commission, FAO has been able to intensify its efforts to develop Food and Agriculture Statistics in countries of the region, particularly to carry out national censuses of agriculture within a common framework of definitions, concepts, standards and guidelines. [...]

AGIR - Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative

The aim of AGIR (the Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative) is to help build resilience to the recurrent food and nutrition crises that affect the countries of the Sahel and West Africa. The idea of an international alliance bringing together governments [...]

ALAWUC - Agriculture, Land and Water Use Commission for the Near East

This Commission aims to provide a forum through which Member Countries can exchange information and experience, and promote joint programmes at regional and sub-regional levels. It provides support to the FAO and other potential donors to identify issues, problems and [...]

APCAS - Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics

The Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics (APCAS) is a statutory body of FAO. APCAS brings together senior statistics Officials from FAO member countries of the Asia and Pacific region, who are responsible for the development of agricultural statistics [...]

APPPC - Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission

The Asia-Pacific Plant Protection Commission is committed to protecting plant, human and animal health and the environment, facilitating trade, and protecting the sustainability of agriculture. The Commission provides a regional forum for cooperation and the full implementation of the Plant Protection [...]

APRC - FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific

FAO Regional Conferences are an official forum where ministers of agriculture and high officials of Member States from the same geographic region meet to elaborate, beyond the borders of the individual countries, on challenges and priority matters related to food [...]
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