

FIRMS - Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System

The primary aim of the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) is to provide access to a wide range of high-quality information on the global monitoring and management of fishery marine resources.


FishBase is a global information system with all you ever wanted to know about fishes. FishBase is a relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more. FishBase was developed at [...]

Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic - CECAF

The purpose of CECAF is to promote the sustainable utilization of the living marine resources within its area of competence by the proper management and development of the fisheries and fishing operations.

GEF - Global Environment Facility

With 35 percent of the earth’s land used for crops and pastures, another 30 percent covered by forests and a full 70 percent of abstracted fresh water used by agriculture, there is no question that agriculture needs to be at [...]

GFCM - General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Consisting of 23 Member countries along with the European Union, the GFCM’s objectives are to promote the development, conservation, rational management and best utilization of living marine resources, as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean, Black [...]

ITWG-PGR - Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) established a subsidiary Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITWG-PGR) in 1997, to address issues specific to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. [...]
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