ALAWUC - Agriculture, Land and Water Use Commission for the Near East
This Commission aims to provide a forum through which Member Countries can exchange information and experience, and promote joint programmes at regional and sub-regional levels. It provides support to the FAO and other potential donors to identify issues, problems and future work programmes in the Near East Region. Support includes technical co-operation to tackle problems related to:
- Land & water resources inventories for their sustainable utilization and management
- Land use planning
- Maintaining and updating regional databases on natural resources
- Promotion of programmes for food production, plant protection, animal health and livestock production
- Development of agricultural research systems, and efficient agricultural services to farmers.
Region: Near East & North Africa
KEYWORDS: Agriculture, Animal & plant health, Data & statistics, Extension services, Food environments, Food systems, Land, Livestock, Natural resources, Research, Water
FAO ROLE: Convener