بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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تعاون منظمة الأغذية والزراعة مع الشبكات البرلمانية - العمل مع الربلمانيني لتعزيز األمن الغذايئ والتغذية والنظم الزراعية والغذائية المستدامة

تسعى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة، من خلال شعبة الشراكات والتعاون مع الأمم المتحدة التابعة لها، إلى إقامة شراكات وتعاون أوثق مع البرلمانيين، على اعتبار أن هذه العلاقات أساسية بالنسبة إلى عملها من أجل الوفاء بالالتزامات المتبادلة بشأن الأمن الغذائي والتغذوي، بما في ذلك الحق في الحصول على الغذاء الكافي. ويتسم الالتزام السياسي والتحالفات الرئيسية مع أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين بأهمية بالغة، وتقع الشراكات في صميم مهمة المنظمة للمساعدة في بناء توافق في الآراء من أجل عالم خالٍ من الجوع



Le pouvoir de la gouvernance: un processus participatif a rendu un aquifère plus durable au Maroc

La plaine de Berrechid – connue comme le « grenier » du Maroc – a connu une intensification désordonnée de l’irrigation au cours des deux dernières décennies. Malgré les gains économiques immédiats, ce processus a provoqué la surexploitation de la nappe aquifère de Berrechid, dont plus de 95% de l’eau pompée est destinée à l’agriculture. En 2011, l’Agence du Bassin Hydraulique du Bouregreg et de la Chaouia (ABH-BC) – une division gouvernementale supervisant l’utilisation de l’eau dans les régions du Bouregreg et de la Chaouia, qui comprend l’aquifère de Berrechid – a commencé à négocier un accord de gouvernance de l’eau [...]



Innovation in governance to transform agrifood systems

Transforming agrifood systems depends crucially on how people can promote and benefit from innovation in governance. Fresh ways to look at policy dialogues and decision-making processes can help societies rapidly face interconnected challenges such as food insecurity and malnutrition, conflicts and the climate crisis. FAO promotes governance innovation to support countries in adopting the best-tailored strategies to pursue a sustainable, efficient, inclusive and resilient agrifood systems transformation. - In Indonesia, FAO has helped the government rethink its national strategic planning by using innovative analysis and modelling and supporting continuous consultation of actors at national and decentralized levels. - In Uganda, FAO has helped [...]



Improving water governance in Lebanon’s Kalb River Basin - Governance and policy support: Policy brief

This policy brief provides a summary of water governance analysis undertaken in collaboration with national stakeholders. These include the Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) and the Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Establishment (BMLWE), as part of the project “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity and Water Sustainability in NENA Countries” under the FAO Regional Initiative on Water Scarcity in the Near East and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The analysis, which will be summarized in a report (Gharios and Tanios, forthcoming), followed the governance framework described in the FAO paper “Focus on governance for [...]



الميثاق البرلماني العالمي لمكافحة الجوع وسوء التغذية 2023

الميثاق البرلماني العالمي لمكافحة الجوع وسوء التغذية 2023 هو نتيجة القمة البرلمانية العالمية الثانية لمكافحة الجوع وسوء التغذية، التي عقدت في تشيلي في 15-16 يونيو 2023.



Securing tenure rights to increase food security

Tenure rights are crucial to the livelihoods of people as they define who can use which natural resources, for how long, and under which conditions. Tenure of natural resources is also essential for environmental sustainability and increased resilience and for enabling farmers to access other services. As the world population continues to grow and climate change reduces the availability of natural resources, increasing conflicts over land, and land deterioration are negatively affecting rural livelihoods on an unprecedented scale. In particular, women often have much weaker tenure rights than men, and they suffer discrimination by social customs, as well as by [...]



Applying responsible land-based investment models in forestry

Global instruments such as the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Principles on Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) endorsed by the Committee for World Food Security (CFS) provide critical guidance on responsible investments in land and forests to address global challenges of food insecurity, poverty, and inequality while supporting sustainable management of natural resources. Applying these global instruments to the assessment of concrete cases can help to identify better practice models for implementation. This document presents a review of selected [...]



التركيز على الحوكمة من أجل المزيد من السياسات الفعالة والدعم الفني

هذا هو النشرة الإعلانية للورقة الإطارية لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة: التركيز على الحوكمة من أجل المزيد من السياسات الفعالة والدعم الفني: دعم الحوكمة والسياسات - ورقة إطارية https://www.fao.org/3/cc0240ar/cc0240ar.pdf لتحقيق الاستدامة والمرونة والأمن الغذائي والتغذوي في العالم ما بعد جائحة الكوفيد، هناك حاجة ماسة، إلى تحويل أنظمة الأغذية الزراعية. خاصة أنه لا يزال فقط ثمانية سنوات على تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. لا يمكن تحقيق هذا التحول المنشود إلا من خلال تعزيز المعرفة والخبرة والمهارات والقدرات والاستفادة منها من أجل العمل الجماعي لمجموعة واسعة من الجهات الفاعلة العامة والخاصة التي يجلب كل منها مصالح واحتياجات وموارد وتأثير وقدرات مميزة. وتبقى "الحوكمة" القدرة متعددة الأبعاد للعمل [...]

Training & e-learning


A learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming

Public policies for family farming – when done appropriately – provide a perfect match between different policy areas related to productive, economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions of sustainable food systems. The Learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming was developed under the framework of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) to support policymakers, family farmers’ organizations and other relevant stakeholders to increase their understanding of public policy cycles and family farming related policies. This technical and methodological capacity development programme is adaptable to local, national or regional priorities. It offers a [...]



Developing sustainable and resilient agrifood value chains in conflict-prone and conflict-affected contexts. Practitioner guidelines for selection, analysis and design

Agrifood systems in the Near East and North Africa are characterized by increasingly degraded natural resources and vulnerability to climate change, rapid population growth and protracted crises. In addition, the region has been affected by conflict that has further exposed the fragilities and worsened the challenges already faced by communities.   Conflict negatively affects the poverty rate, the economic capacity and functioning of agrifood value chains and people’s ability to produce, distribute and access food. In volatile operating environments, resources, government spending and private investment are frequently diverted or reduced, with lasting impact on agri-food value chains and consequently nutrition and food [...]
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