بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Issue paper


Social protection and migration: Synergies in action to improve resilience and reduce poverty in rural areas

This publication was developed by the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (UNU-Merit) in partnership with FAO. The policy paper is conceived as a framing paper, which conceptualizes the relationship between social protection, migration, and rural development, and strengthens these synergies for FAO’s programming.The relationship between social protection, migration, and rural development is critical to the FAO mandate to end hunger for all. In its capacity as an organization working across emergency and development contexts, FAO is well positioned to promote the synergies that exist at the intersection of social protection and migration in rural contexts.Accordingly, the Social Protection and Migration [...]



Natural hazards Food chain crisis Protracted crisis Towards durable solutions: FAO’s programming in forced displacement contexts

This brochure provides an overview of FAO’s work in forced displacement contexts. It highlights key approaches to forced displacement programming and policy, including tailored approaches to partnership and data and evidence, with a view to achieving durable solutions to forced displacement for both displaced and host communities. Examples of FAO’s work in a number of forced displacement contexts are explored, emphasizing the crucial role it is playing in protecting and rebuilding livelihoods, strengthening food security and nutrition, enhancing self-reliance and fostering inclusion, gender equality and social cohesion at a community level.



Reverse migration to rural areas of origin in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

This note provides an overview of available evidence on return migration to rural areas due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the related implications for migrant workers and their families and communities of origin, as well as government response measures that have been taken.The inclusion of returnees and consideration of their socio-economic needs in the COVID-19 response and recovery measures is essential, regardless of registration of residence, migratory or working status. The immediate vulnerabilities of rural returnees and their families need to be addressed, while also investing in medium-to-long-term socio-economic objectives, to allow those who want to stay in rural areas to [...]

Issue paper


Caractéristiques, modèles et vecteurs de la migration rurale au Sénégal

Bien que les flux migratoires en provenance des zones rurales soient un phénomène courant dans la plupart des pays en développement, nous disposons de peu d'informations sur leur dynamique et leurs déterminants. Dans ce contexte, en septembre 2017, dans le cadre du projet «Favoriser les investissements productifs pour créer des emplois agricoles et non agricoles décents pour les jeunes ruraux des zones sujettes aux migrations au Sénégal», la FAO et l'Agence nationale sénégalaise de statistique et de démographie ( ANSD) a mené une enquête auprès des ménages dans le but de générer des informations sur les phénomènes de migration en [...]

Issue paper


Rural Women and Girls 25 years after Beijing: critical agents of positive change

Globally, and with only a few exceptions, rural and indigenous women fare worse than rural men and urban women and men on every indicator for which data are available. Although they share challenges in the form of rural location and genderbased discrimination, rural women and girls are not a homogeneous group. The opportunities and constraints they face differ across their lifetimes, contexts and circumstances; they are influenced by location and socio-economic statusand social identities associated with other forms of marginalization, such as indigenous origin and ethnicity, age, disability, migrant or refugee status. The complex experiences of rural and indigenous women [...]



Economic inclusion and social protection to reduce poverty. Protecting migrant workers

This action sheet is part of a series of action sheets developed under the seven key priority areas of the FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery programme, the FAO umbrella programme designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Each action sheet includes a project proposal in support of countries most in need for which FAO is leveraging high-level political, financial and technical expertise. All action sheets are gathered on the Food Coalition web hub, where members of the Coalition - a multi-stakeholder global alliance for a unified global action in response to COVID-19 - can easily [...]

Issue paper


Jordan food security update. Implications of COVID-19, May – June 2020

With the COVID-19 in Jordan under control, the government of Jordan has managed the response proactively and to mitigate potential immediate impacts on the availability of food to the population. Food security among vulnerable Jordanian households has remained largely stable as yet with 15% of households showing a poor or borderline Food Consumption Score (FCS) in 2020 compared to 16% in 2018. Nevertheless the extent of the damage to key components of the food supply chain is still not completely quantified. Also, the pandemic still ongoing globally and in the region, Jordan will have to remain attentive to multiple risks that [...]

Issue paper


Rural migration in sub-Saharan Africa: patterns, drivers and relation to structural transformation

Sub-Saharan Africa has a long history of internal and international migratory movements. Migration patterns and dynamics from, to and between rural areas are profoundly differentiated across regions, and flows have considerably evolved over time. Yet, more recently, rural migration takes place in the unique situation of a major rural and urban demographic increase, which results in critical socio-economic and environmental challenges. In this context, intertwined migration drivers emerge and call for a better understanding of on-going dynamics.This working paper draws on a combination of literature review and data analysis, building on the results of the Atlas "Rural Africa in motion. [...]

Training & e-learning


FAO elearning Academy - Courses on Migration

Explore our wide variety of free, multilingual courses in the areas of food and nutrition security, social and economic developmentand sustainable management of natural resources, all supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Issue paper


Key success factors and obstacles for FAO energy projects in humanitarian settings. An evaluation of FAO’s energy-in-emergency portfolio to inform future programming in three Eastern African Countries

Under the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) programme, FAO has contributed to improving resilience and livelihoods for refugees and internally displaced people in 14 countries through four types of activities: clean cooking, forest management, renewable energy in agri-food chains and policy support.This publication evaluates FAO’s energy-in-emergency portfolio in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan to define innovative programming options for efficient energy access within the humanitarian settings of these three countries.
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