بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. Making agri-food systems more resilient to shocks and stresses

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of agri-food systems to shocks and stresses and led to increased global food insecurity and malnutrition. Action is needed to make agri-food systems more resilient, efficient, sustainable and inclusive.The State of Food and Agriculture 2021 presents country-level indicators of the resilience of agri-food systems. The indicators measure the robustness of primary production and food availability, as well as physical and economic access to food. They can thus help assess the capacity of national agri-food systems to absorb shocks and stresses, a key aspect of resilience.The report analyses the vulnerabilities of food supply chains and [...]



FAO Investment Centre – Annual review 2020

The FAO Investment Centre provides a wide range of support services to help countries make more and better investments in food and agriculture. This review looks back at the work the Centre carried out with its partners in 2020. Despite a challenging year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre’s global team supported investment-related policy and sector studies to increase policy dialogue and contributed to the design, technical assistance, supervision or evaluation of investment projects in 120 countries. The Centre increasingly linked both its policy work with investment support to scale up impact. And it promoted greater knowledge sharing and innovation, while [...]

Issue paper


Indigenous youth as agents of change. Actions of Indigenous youth in local food systems during times of adversity

The following publication "Indigenous youth as agents of change - Actions of Indigenous youth in local food systems during times of adversity" highlights six initiatives from Indigenous youth in regions around the world who are leading innovative solutions and collaborations in the face of adversity brought about by climate change and exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The youth initiatives describe how grassroots groups, networks, and platforms established by Indigenous youth have been essential to the fulfillment of basic needs within their communities in the face of this adversity. The publication has been produced under the Koronivia Joint Work on [...]



Public employment programmes in the time of COVID-19

COVID-19 has quickly morphed from an unprecedented health crisis to a massive economic shock—and, unless immediate and decisive action is taken to sustain consumption levels and prevent disruptions to food supply chains, it could easily lead into a global food crisis. Public employment programmes (PEP) - which refer to a wide array of interventions including public works, cash for work, and temporary or emergency employment programmes - have a long track record of deployment in response to cyclical shocks, seasonal deprivation, and severe macro-economic crisis involving sharp income loss and large under- and unemployment. PEPs, in fact, have a key role [...]

Issue paper


Key COVID-19 Lessons and Recommendations for Working Towards Universal Social Protection

The paper contains a joint statement by the Social Protection Interagency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B), a coordination mechanism comprising of a broad swath of intergovernmental and bilateral agencies engaged in social protection, drawing from the lessons drawn in the social protection response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its aim is to consolidate the gains made in putting social protection at the core of COVID-19 response and recovery strategies, inform the implementation of actions geared towards strengthening social protection systems so that they can better respond to future shocks, and advocate for further commitment and resources to make universal social protection a reality [...]

Issue paper


A multi-billion-dollar opportunity – Repurposing agricultural support to transform food systems

Public support mechanisms for agriculture in many cases hinder the transformation towards healthier, more sustainable, equitable, and efficient food systems, thus actively steering us away from meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the Paris Agreement.This report sets out the compelling case for repurposing harmful agricultural producer support to reverse this situation, by optimizing the use of scarce public resources, strengthening economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately driving a food systems transformation that can support global sustainable development commitments.The report provides policymakers with an updated estimate of past and current agricultural producer support for 88 countries, projected [...]



Togo | Moyens d’existence agricoles et sécurité alimentaire dans le cadre de la covid-19. rapport de suivi, août 2021

Ce rapport propose une analyse des effets de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (covid-19) sur le système agroalimentaire du Togo, en se basant sur l’évaluation menée en février 2021.L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) met en œuvre un projet visant la collecte et l’analyse de données liées à la covid-19 afin d’étayer la programmation basée sur les preuves dans un certain nombre de pays choisis. L'objectif est d'évaluer les effets de la covid-19 sur le système agroalimentaire, qui comprend l'élevage et la pêche, l'approvisionnement alimentaire, les moyens d’existence et la sécurité alimentaire des populations rurales au niveau [...]



Mozambique | Agricultural livelihoods and food security in the context of COVID-19

This report shares an analysis of the effects of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) on the agri-food system in Mozambique. It analyses the results of a field assessment conducted in January and February 2021.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is implementing a project to contribute to data collection and analysis linked to COVID-19 to inform evidence-based programming in selected countries. The objective is to assess the effects of COVID-19 in the agri-food system, which includes crops, livestock and fishing, food supply, livelihoods and food security of the rural population at national level. Information is collected from primary sources [...]

Issue paper


Thinking ahead: Drought resilience and COVID-19

COVID-19 is a defining moment for strengthening drought resilience of society and managing ecosystems more sustainably. Both recent and historical experiences indicate that disease outbreaks very often follow extreme weather events. Drought, combined with other ecosystem changes such as habitat degradation, preceded the COVID-19 outbreak and has been associated with many other types of epidemics in the past. This paper highlights that the interactions between human, ecosystems and ecology often govern drought-linked disease. Factoring these interactions and their impacts on vulnerable communities and their environment is important for drought preparedness, resilience, and recovery. It also calls for increased investments and [...]

Issue paper


Sistemas alimentarios en América Latina y el Caribe, Desafíos en un escenario pospandemia

La publicación busca resaltar la importancia de la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios en América Latina y el Caribe, en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y en un contexto de pandemia.Los sistemas alimentarios tienen el potencial de nutrir a la población y apoyar la sostenibilidad ambiental; sin embargo, la pandemia pone en riesgo ambos logros. Proporcionar dietas saludables a una población en crecimiento, a partir de sistemas alimentarios sostenibles en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) es un desafío inmediato.El libro presenta una introducción sobre la Transformación de los Sistemas Alimentarios como un desafío planetario de [...]