بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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SponGES Policy Brief – Databases and models: new tools for management

This policy brief highlights SponGES project findings that are relevant to policymakers and fisheries managers. It provides an overview of the tools that are increasingly being used to build knowledge on where deep-sea sponges occur, their quantity and quality, and the role they play in the larger ocean ecosystem in order to enhance their protection, management, and conservation against anthropogenic pressures.

Case study


STOSAR - Support Towards the Operationalization of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy project

FAO Project GCP /SFS/004/EC. The overall objective of the STOSAR project is to accelerate progress towards implementation of the SDAC regional integration, which focuses on: i. enhancing information on agricultural production, sustainability and competitiveness for evidence-based decision-making; and, ii. improving access to markets through implementation of plant and animal pest and disease control strategies at the regional level.



State of knowledge of soil biodiversity – Status, challenges and potentialities

There is increasing attention to the importance of biodiversity for food security and nutrition, especially above-ground biodiversity such as plants and animals. However, less attention is being paid to the biodiversity beneath our feet, soil biodiversity, which drives many processes that produce food or purify soil and water. This report is the result of an inclusive process involving more than 300 scientists from around the world under the auspices of the FAO’s Global Soil Partnership and its Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative, and the European Commission. It presents concisely the state [...]



State of knowledge of soil biodiversity – Status, challenges and potentialities. Summary for policy makers

There is increasing attention on the importance of biodiversity for food security and nutrition, especially above-ground biodiversity such as plants and animals. However, less attention is being paid to the biodiversity beneath our feet, soil biodiversity, which drives many processes that produce food or purify soil and water. This summary for policy makers presents the key findings of the main report and is the result of an inclusive process involving more than 300 scientists from around the world under the auspices of the FAO’s Global Soil Partnership and its Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global [...]

Issue paper


Series: The agrifood system and the challenges of COVID-19. The role of wholesale markets in the pandemic: challenges and opportunities

The publication describes and analyzes the behaviour of wholesale supplies during a health crisis. Address their situation and perspectives in the short and long-term, the measures that have been implemented and the public policies that have been developed to support them. Also available in Spanish.See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19.

Issue paper


Implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora through national fisheries legal frameworks. A study and a guide

An increasing number of commercially exploited and managed aquatic species has been listed in the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), triggering the attention from the fisheries sector of States on how listing would impact on the management of the relevant fisheries. CITES regulates international trade in certain aquatic species, including those which are, and can be, commercially exploited and which are being managed by the fisheries sector. The fisheries sector legal frameworks will have to recognize and enable the various requirements provided for in CITES, including the making of [...]

Issue paper


Exposure of humans or animals to SARS-CoV-2 from wild, livestock, companion and aquatic animals

Understanding the risk of exposure of humans or animals to SARS-CoV-2 from animals and their products is essential for containing virus spread, prioritizing research, protecting food systems, and informing national One Health investigations and mitigation measures. This Qualitative Exposure Assessment provides a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence and assessment of exposure risk from different wild or domestic animal species. Results can inform country-level risk assessment and provide the evidence base for targeted SARS-CoV-2 investigations in animals and mitigation options.This publication provides:I. assessment of the risk of human or animal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 through contact with, handling or consumption of [...]



Exposure of humans or animals to SARS-CoV-2 from wild, livestock, companion and aquatic animals. Qualitative exposure assessment – Summary

SARS-CoV-2 is an emerging virus currently causing a large epidemic of COVID-19. Countries have asked FAO to provide guidance on how to investigate the potential animal sources(s) of the virus.This summary provides a shorter version of the original paper on rapid qualitative risk assessment for SARS-CoV-2 spillover at animal-human interface, and highlights the key knowledge gaps and recommendations. Read the full document: Exposure of humans or animals to SARS-CoV-2 from wild, livestock, companion and aquatic animals. Click here for more resources related to COVID-19.



Build Back Better in a post COVID-19 world: Reducing future wildlife-borne spillover of disease to humans

We need to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic, to better understand the root causes of zoonotic diseases, in order to prevent future outbreaks and support a green recovery.Approximately 70 percent of emerging infectious diseases today, and almost all recent pandemics, originate from animals and particularly wildlife (e.g. Ebola virus, Lassa virus, and human immunodeficiency virus). Emerging evidence indicates that such outbreaks of animal-borne diseases are on the rise, mostly due to environmental degradation and the intensification of livestock production and trade in livestock and wildlife.Human-wildlife-livestock interactions are increasing as human populations expand, and urbanization and economic activities (such as wildlife [...]

Case study


Supporting climate adaptation in smallholder agriculture. Summarizing lessons learnt

Supporting smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change is essential for achieving Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No poverty) and 2 (Zero hunger). This will require policies and programs that enable farmers with few resources to adopt farm practices and technologies that reduce sensitivity to rising temperatures, the spread of new pests and diseases, and increasingly erratic rainfall. This brief consolidates evidence and stylized facts to guide policy discussions on climate adaptation in smallholder agriculture, based on work carried out by the FAO Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change (EPIC) team.