Issue paper
Series: The food system and the challenges of COVID-19. Food e-commerce: situation and perspectives
Critical analysis of the momentum that eCommerce has had in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, future perspectives and recommendations for the development of this marketing mechanism are discussed, so that it is equitable for all components of the food system.
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Case study
Financial services for women. Case study on women's participation in the maize and bean value chains in Rwanda
The purpose of this study was to analyse the position of women in the maize and bean value chains in Rwanda, as well as the current and potential role of financial service providers (FSPs) in strengthening the positioning of women in these chains. The study used the women’s economic empowerment framework for the conceptual analysis, while similarly looking at overall financial inclusion indicators. This was all done within the context of a value chain analysis.
The value chain concept provided a framework for analysis and explained the different functions in the value chains for bean and for maize, including the roles [...]
Case study
Smallholders and family farms in Kyrgyzstan. Regional TCP on Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms (TCP/RER/3601)
The background for conducting country studies on the challenges, needs and constraints of smallholders and family farms in seven countries has been a wish to further strengthen the Regional Initiative and develop the initiative towards a stronger programmatic approach at both the regional and country levels. To provide support to smallholders and family farms, there has been a need to develop a better understanding and knowledge platform of the main challenges, needs and constraints of smallholders and family farms in the specific country context. Even though many of the challenges are the same throughout the region, there are still significant [...]
Promoting rural youth employment in Uganda’s coffee sector. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 29
Coffee is one of the key agricultural commodities in the Government of Uganda’s pursuance of economic growth and job creation, especially for the rapidly expanding youth population. A significant number of job opportunities exist for young people along the coffee value chain, not only in production but increasingly in processing, trade and marketing, as well as service provision. This policy brief provides recommendations for policymakers to support youth in realizing employment and entrepreneurship potential in the coffee sector, by facilitating their sustainable access to productive resources and markets, and equipping them with the necessary skills and capital.
Case study
Dimitra Newsletter April 2019 – Issue #30. Special Edition, Dimitra Clubs in Action
The number of Dimitra Clubs in sub-Saharan Africa has reached 3 000, marking a milestone. This gender-transformative approach aimed at rural people’s empowerment through community mobilization has proved increasingly successful.Through this flexible approach developed by FAO, the rural communities themselves, through their decisions and actions, determine the changes that need to be made to their environment, and how to improve their livelihoods.The Dimitra Clubs’ areas of impact are many and varied. Several themes shape this special edition of the newsletter: community mobilization, gender and women’s leadership, food security and nutrition, social cohesion and peace, adaptation to climate change, rural organizations, [...]
Enabling sustainable food systems. Innovators’ handbook
Sustainable food systems are fundamental to ensuring that future generations are food secure and eat healthy diets. To transition towards sustainability, many food system activities must be reconstructed, and myriad actors around the world are starting to act locally. While some changes are easier than others, knowing how to navigate through them to promote sustainable consumption and production practices requires complex skill sets.
This handbook is written for “sustainable food systems innovators” by a group of innovators from Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe who are leading initiatives to grow, share, sell and consume more sustainable foods in their local contexts. [...]
Issue paper
Addressing gender inequalities to build resilience. Stocktaking of good practices in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Strategic Objective 5
Risings, conflicts and disasters around the world, and the negative impacts on lives and properties, are drawing attention to the need to increase the resilience of vulnerable rural communities and their livelihood sources from agriculture and rural areas. Protection from sexual and gender-based violence is also an area of work that merits special attention particularly in areas of protracted crises.This report documents some good practices and lessons learned from around the world with a specific focus on emergency and humanitarian situations. It highlights a few successful FAO’s interventions on resilience building and gender mainstreaming.The information in this report can be [...]
Food system policy priorities and programmatic actions for healthy diets in the context of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has created supply and demand shocks in the food systems, disproportionately affecting the poor and nutritionally vulnerable groups. A possible economic slowdown further compounds challenges faced by governments in tackling malnutrition in all its forms.This brief presents policy and programmatic actions adopted by countries and development partners to ensure that food and agriculture responses promote healthy diets and improve nutrition. Furthermore, this brief explains supply and demand measures, taken from recent worldwide good practices.
See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19
Guidance note: Risk communication and community engagement. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
Information is a form of assistance in itself. Access to accurate information can allow people to make informed decisions to protect themselves. Moreover, understanding drivers of behaviour and integrating that understanding into communication approaches can make information more likely to result in desired action. Preparedness and response activities should be based on protection and related “do no harm” principles and conducted in a participatory manner that is informed by community feedback. Communication efforts must respond to stakeholder concerns, mis/disinformation and behavioral factors. Transparent and consistent messaging in local languages through trusted channels can help address barriers to change. Furthermore, by [...]
Issue paper
Agricultural extension in transition worldwide. Policies and strategies for reform
This publication contains twelve modules which cover a selection of major reform measures in agricultural extension being promulgated and implemented internationally, such as linking farmers to markets, making advisory services more demand-driven, promoting pluralistic advisory systems, and enhancing the role of advisory services within agricultural innovation systems. The reform issues consider the changing roles of the various public, private and non-governmental providers, and highlights the collaboration required to create synergies for more efficient and effective high quality services responding to the needs and demands of smallholder farmers.The modules draw on reform experiences worldwide and provide an introduction, definitions and a [...]