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Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to Jordan 2017–2021

The Jordan country programme evaluation covered the period 2017–2021. The evaluation assessed FAO's strategic positioning, operational and organizational capacity, contributions, partnerships and normative values. It also identified key lessons learned and recommendations to inform the next Country Programming Framework.The evaluation found evidence of sustainable results in FAO Jordan: FAO’s programme in Jordan responded to beneficiaries’ needs considering global and country development and humanitarian priorities. FAO is working in accordance with its comparative advantage and is recognized as a trusted source of technical knowledge and advice. It has carried out actions in Jordan to i) influence decision-making, national stakeholders and partners; [...]



Cash transfers and women's economic inclusion

This is the policy brief of a paper that investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme in Zambia fosters economic inclusion among rural women.

Forums and community of practice


Consultation for the development of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in the context of Food Security and Nutrition. FSN Forum report of activity No. 175

This document summarizes the online Consultation for the development of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in the context of Food Security and Nutrition held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 16 September to 30 November 2021. The consultation was facilitated by Françoise Trine, Marina Calvino and Alyson Brody from the Secretariat of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). This online consultation was part of a broader consultative process on the Zero Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines, which also included six regional consultations. Online consultation participants [...]



In Brief to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022

The In Brief version of the FAO flagship publication, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022, contains the key messages and main points from the publication and is aimed at the media, policy makers and a more general public.The following complementary information is available:See the interactive storyRead the full report



The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022. Repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable

This year’s report should dispel any lingering doubts that the world is moving backwards in its efforts to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. We are now only eight years away from 2030, but the distance to reach many of the SDG 2 targets is growing wider each year. There are indeed efforts to make progress towards SDG 2, yet they are proving insufficient in the face of a more challenging and uncertain context. The intensification of the major drivers behind recent food insecurity and malnutrition trends (i.e. conflict, climate extremes and economic shocks) combined with [...]

Case study


Agrifood systems transformation through a climate change lens. A case study on policy dialogue from Myanmar

This paper discusses how adapting food production systems to respond to consumer demand for healthier diets is a major opportunity to mitigate and adapt to climate change in agro-rural economies. It also addresses how existing technological solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation need to create more balance between the production and consumption tiers of agrifood systems.Policy dialogue includes managing trade-offs between different sector and stakeholder interests and exploring synergies rather than focusing on exclusivity and competition. This requires a new framework that goes beyond sector-specific policy development. Political economy issues compound the outcome of evidence-based policy dialogue results. For [...]

Issue paper


The role of small and medium agrifood enterprises in rural transformation – The case of rice processors in Kenya

This study looks at the business models of small and medium sized rice processors in Kenya in order to better understand the policy and technical support they need to grow and fulfil their role in agrifood systems transformation. More specifically, by employing semi-structured interviews with Kenyan rice millers, the technical study identifies challenges in their day-to-day business activities, including procurement, inbound and outbound logistics, in-house operations, financing, and human resources management. Additionally, the publication looks at opportunities for improving the business enabling environment in which these enterprises operate, providing a set of policy options to foster their role. The methodology cross [...]



Data snapshot using sex-disaggregated data to better understand gender gaps in agriculture

The brochure provides data disaggregated by sex on various issues under the following topics: Small family farms and women's decision-making roles in agriculture Secure rights over land Employment, work and time use in agricultural contexts Access to digitalization and financial services Food security It also identifies some of the areas in the rural and agricultural contexts where there is only a partial understanding of the reality due to the lack of sex‑disaggregated data and gender-relevant statistics.

Issue paper


In-depth assessment of child labour in greenhouses in the Akkar and Mount Lebanon Regions in Lebanon – Case study

FAO commissioned the Consultation and Research Institute to undertake an in-depth assessment of child labour in greenhouses in order to be able to mitigate this phenomenon through FAO’s future projects and programmes. The main objective of the study is to acquire more information and data on child labour in greenhouses in order to be able to determine the assistance necessary to prevent, reduce and eradicate child labour in this field. The resulting evidence will support FAO in the design and implementation of programmes and projects aimed at promoting greenhouses as sustainable and viable businesses that are free from child labour [...]



Mapping of territorial markets – Methodology and guidelines for participatory data collection. Methodology and guidelines for participatory data collection

Malnutrition in all its forms (undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, overweight and obesity) is a major global challenge, and improving nutrition is a key priority for global development, as recognized in the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this context, ensuring availability, physical accessibility and affordability of healthy and nutritious food at territorial level is crucial to ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In many developing countries, territorial markets are key retail outlets for fruits and vegetables, but also for animal source foods and staple foods. Besides the relevance, data concerning [...]