FAO's Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach. Implementation Guide
The Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach has been developed by FAO to support countries in designing and implementing sustainable bioenergy policies and strategies. The approach promotes food and energy security and contributes to agricultural and rural development. It consists of tools and guidance to support countries through the main stages of the bioenergy policy development and implementation process. Countries may decide to use specific components of the BEFS Approach depending on the level of bioenergy development, and the status of bioenergy policy formulation and implementation.
This approach can be implemented directly by governments, experts in the field and other stakeholders [...]
Food loss and food waste
Approximately 30% of food produced for human consumption around the world is either lost or wasted each year. This is equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes of food. Robert VanOtterdijk, Agro-Food Industries Officer and Camelia Bucatariu, Technical Officer of the FAO Nutrition and Food Systems Division explain the importance of actively preventing and reducing food loss and waste and its direct contribution to food and nutrition security for all. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages.
See all videos in the Policy and Governance series : AR CH EN FR RU SP
Issue paper
The Agriculture Sectors in the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions: Analysis. Environment and Natural Resources Management Working Paper 62
This report provides an overview of how the agriculture sectors have been considered in the INDCs, taking into account the interdependencies characterizing these sectors. It aims to identify the priorities and related needs of countries to inform international cooperation and support.
The FAO analysis report aims to complement existing reports (see Annex C) including the UNFCCC synthesis report (2016) by providing a closer look at the agriculture sectors. Building on the results of this analysis, FAO has developed the paper The agricultural sectors in nationally determined contributions (NDCs): Priority areas for international support.
This paper outlines key types of support developing countries will require to effectively implement and [...]
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025. Special Focus: Sub-Saharan Africa
The twelfth joint edition of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook provides market projections to 2025 for major agricultural commodities, biofuels and fish. The 2016 report contains a special feature on the prospects for, and challenges facing, Sub-Saharan Africa.
Over the ten year Outlook period slowing demand growth will be matched by efficiency gains in production, implying relatively flat real agricultural prices. However, market and policy uncertainties imply a risk of resurgent volatility. The outlook for agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa is for rising food availability, which will support a declining incidence of undernourishment. The sector’s prospects could be much improved by more stable [...]
Data and statistics
Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS). Policy Database
The AMIS policy database gathers information on trade measures and domestic measures related to the four AMIS crops (wheat, maize, rice, and soybeans) as well as biofuels. The design of this database allows comparisons across countries, across commodities and across policies for selected periods of time.
Training & e-learning
Learning Tool on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector
The learning tool for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) in agriculture and land use consists of a set of slides including different modules for independent studying. The tool reviews pathways for NAMA identification (i.e. fast track and in-depth analyses) and prioritization of different greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction options. It also displays required interventions to overcome barriers and presents available sources of data and funds. The learning tool showcases existing databases and tools for GHG estimation, and provides options for identification, prioritization and monitoring of mitigation actions in the agriculture and land use sectors.
To approve a single suggestion, mouse over [...]
Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems Committee on World Food Security 41 Session.
The objective of the Principles is to promote responsible investment in agriculture and food systems that contribute to food security and nutrition, thus supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.
This document seeks to address the core elements of what makes investment in agriculture and food systems responsible; identify who the key stakeholders are, and their respective roles and responsibilities with respect to responsible investment in agriculture and food systems; and to serve as a framework to guide the actions of all stakeholders engaged in agriculture and food systems by defining Principles which can [...]
Issue paper
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus. A New Approach in Support of Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture
If a decision is made at the national level to increase the share of bioenergy, what implications does this have for water, land and energy? How do electricity subsidies contribute to groundwater depletion and what can be done about it? How can we ensure that sectoral policies and strategies consider the potential trade-offs for other sectors? Finding answers to these questions is the main challenge of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. By describing the complex and interrelated nature of our global resource systems, the Nexus approach helps us to better understand and systematically analyze how we can use and manage our resources in light of different, often competing [...]
State of the World’s Forests 2014. Enhancing the Socioeconomic Benefits from Forests
The 2014 edition of the State of the World’s Forests report (also known as SOFO) has been released by FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This coincides with the opening of the 22nd Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) and the World Forest Week.
SOFO 2014 deals with the existing knowledge gaps on the socioeconomic benefits provided by forests. It gathers and analyses data already available on the topic. It also makes recommendations to improve this information.
The lack of information about the socioeconomic dimension of forests and the need to fill this gap was also one of [...]
Issue paper
Tackling Climate Change through Livestock. A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities
As renewed international efforts are needed to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the livestock sector can contribute its part. An important emitter of greenhouse gas, it also has the potential to significantly reduce its emissions. This report provides a unique global assessment of the magnitude, the sources and pathways of emissions from different livestock production systems and supply chains. Relying on life cycle assessment, statistical analysis and scenario building, it also prov ides estimates of the sector’s mitigation potential and identifies concrete options to reduce emissions. The report is a useful resource for stakeholders from livestock producers to policy-makers, researchers and [...]