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Social Protection, Resilience and Climate Change: Learning by Having Fun

Social protection plays an important role in protecting poor and vulnerable people from natural hazards saving lives and livelihoods, while also enhancing families’ capacity to cope, respond and withstand threats and crises. Moreover, risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection systems enhance the resilience and decrease the vulnerability of the agricultural livelihoods, absorbing part of the humanitarian caseload. FAO is currently scaling-up its commitment in the field of Risk-Informed and Shock-Responsive Social Protection through evidence generation, policy support, direct implementation in emergency contexts and capacity development. FAO, together with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, is developing an interactive learning tool to [...]



Strengthening Resilience in Senegal through Agricultural Productivity and Education. Building Resilience: A Policy Brief Series No. 8

Senegal is one of the poorest countries in the world but thanks to its political and social stability has experienced a higher economic growth compared to its neighboring countries. FAO, together with the Agence Nationale de Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD), conducted a study which aims at understanding resilience capacity and its determinants in Senegal.

Issue paper


How can food security interventions contribute to reducing gender-based violence?

This brief will accompany a longer guidance, called "Protection from gender-based violence in food security and agriculture interventions: A guide for FAO and partner staff" to assist in advocacy and awareness-raising. Addressing GBV in FAO’s interventions is important not only because it hinders agriculture, food and nutrition security, but also given that all agencies of the United Nations have a shared responsibility to protect individuals from human rights violations such as GBV. The guidance note gives a definition of GBV and provides guidance for practical steps to take throughout the project cycle to better integrate GBV prevention and mitigation into food security [...]



National socioeconomic surveys in forestry. Guidance and survey modules for measuring the multiple roles of forests in household welfare and livelihoods

Forests play important provisioning and supporting roles in the livelihoods of rural households (Byron and Arnold, 1999, Sunderlin et al., 2005) and the majority of those who live in extreme poverty are reliant on forests for their livelihood. Products from non-cultivated ecosystems such as natural forests, woodlands, wetlands, lakes, rivers, and grasslands can be a significant income source for rural households providing energy, food, construction materials and medicines both for subsistence and cash uses. Beginning with seminal studies on environmental resource use (e.g. Cavendish, 2000) the contribution of forest and other environmental resources to household income accounts were found to [...]



Strengthening coherence between agriculture and social protection to combat poverty and hunger in Africa: Diagnostic Tool

Agriculture and social protection are fundamentally linked in the context of rural livelihoods in Africa. Poor and food-insecure families depend primarily on agriculture and partly on non-farm income and private transfers for their livelihoods, and are the main target of social protection interventions (FAO, 2015). When embedded within a broader rural development framework, stronger coherence between agriculture and social protection interventions can assist in improving the welfare of poor smal l family farms by facilitating productive inclusion, improving risk-management capacities, and increasing agricultural productivity – all of which enable rural-based families to gradually move out of poverty and hunger (Tirivayi [...]



RIMA-II: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis - II

This document introduces RIMA-II, the technical evolution of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) tool. RIMA was completely and deeply revised by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) team; it was technically cleared by a restricted group of high-profile experts. RIMA-II will integrate the old version of RIMA with breakpoint and will guarantee extended analysis and new tools for measuring resilience.



RIMA-II: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis - II

This document introduces RIMA-II, the technical evolution of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) tool. RIMA was completely and deeply revised by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) team; it was technically cleared by a restricted group of high-profile experts. RIMA-II will integrate the old version of RIMA with breakpoint and will guarantee extended analysis and new tools for measuring resilience.

Issue paper


Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture

This fact sheet presents an overview of current gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in the fisheries sector. Women’s engagement in fisheries can be viewed from social, political and technical perspectives, all of which show that the role of women is often underestimated. This inadequate recognition of women’s contributions hampers the sustainable development process, resulting in increased poverty and food insecurity. This fact sheet provides information on policy, institutions and planning processes; statistical dimensions in gender analysis; and specific concerns in the field of fisheries industries. It identifies lessons learned and opportunities for gender mainstreaming at macro, meso and microoperational levels. The information provided does not represent an exhaustive analysis of the subject, [...]



Gender Equality, Social Protection and Rural Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Insights from the Region

This publication is a collection of articles written by economists, sociologists, and gender specialists and practitioners from twelve post-Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. It is unique in its effort to review and analyze the issues that are at the intersection of gender equality, social protection and rural development in the region. Overall, there is a lack of research, documented knowledge and public discourse on this subject and a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary for ensuring an in-depth and rigorous understanding of these intersecting issues in the context of the region. In supporting this publication, the FAO [...]



The Role of Social Protection in Protracted Crises. Enhancing the Resilience of the Most Vulnerable. Guidance Note

This note focuses on the topic of social protection in protracted crises, presenting some possible approaches and its contribution to food security and nutrition, illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. The humanitarian system is currently at a critical turning point. No longer an exception, crises have become the norm across regions and are characterized by increasing complexity and recurrence. Moreover, despite the increase in the volume of humanitarian funding, there continue to be important shortfalls in meeting humanitarian appeals. The World Humanitarian Summit highlighted the urgent need to change the approach to addressing increasing humanitarian needs and [...]