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Analysis of Public Expenditure Towards Food Security and Nutrition. Methodology Working Paper

Given the prevalence of Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) as a development objective and the importance of appropriately using public resources, the current paper aims to propose a classification table and method to construct indicators of public expenditures towards FSN, which can subsequently be used for policy analysis. The paper follows the following structure: after a brief introduction, the research question is introduced and positioned with respect to related researches available in the literature in section 2. The rationale of the MAFAP public expenditures in support of food and agriculture methodology is detailed in section 3, before being applied to [...]

Case study


Morocco. Adoption of Climate Technologies in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

Agriculture, deforestation and other land use account for roughly 25 percent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2014). When the share of industry related to agriculture is included, the agriculture sector is an even greater contributor to climate change. It is thus crucial to identify technologies and practices that ensure a high and sustainable level of agricultural production while reducing GHG emissions from the sector. This report pilots a methodology developed to identify and assess a number of climate technologies that can contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions in a country’s agrifood sector. The analysis also suggests relevant policy areas that should be evaluated to incentivise the [...]



Commodity Policy Developments Tool

The Commodity Policy Developments tool is maintained by commodity analysts of the FAO Trade and Markets Division. The tool provides concise accounts of national policy changes deemed relevant to markets of basic foodstuffs. Its coverage is global, with emphasis given to policy developments – grouped by major policy domains – affecting cereal, oilcrop, meat, dairy and sugar markets since 2011. The policy records included in the tool act as a supplement to more exhaustive commodity market appraisals prepared by the Division, such as the AMIS Market Monitor, the Food Outlook, the Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update, the Monthly News [...]



Addressing transboundary threats to the food chain. Food chain crisis- Emergency Prevention System (FCC-EMPRES)

Fighting hunger is not only about producing more food. It also means protecting food sources from diseases that can spread across borders. The Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES), is a surveillance and early warning system established with the objective of preventing food chain emergencies caused by transboundary threats. These may be animal or plant pests and diseases or food safety threats and can have a great impact on food security and food safety. Threats to the food chain affect not only  food security livelihoods and human health, but also national economies and global markets. This is why surveillance, early detection, early [...]

Case study


Estrategias innovadoras de gestión de riesgos en mercados financieros rurales y agropecuarios. Experiencias en América Latina

El presente estudio aporta un marco analítico que describe las principales barreras a la inversión y financiación agropecuaria, las cuales se pueden agregar en la gestión de riesgos financieros, de producción, mercadeo, climáticos e institucionales, y en modelos de negocio que reduzcan costos de transacción para brindar de manera viable productos mejor adaptados a las necesidades de una diversidad de clientes rurales. A su vez, se presenta cómo las tendencias en los mercados agropecuarios han influenciado en la región latinoamericana el sistema financiero rural en general, y el sistema financiero agropecuario en particular, sugiriendo un auge en modelos de negocio [...]

Case study


Ukraine. Water Along the Food Chain. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Investment Centre (IC) Division, is assisting the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in its goal to improve the impact of future EBRD agribusiness investments regarding water efficiency. To this end, in 2013, a joint FAO/EBRD project entitled “Water along the food chain” was initiated in four pilot countries – Ukraine, Turkey, Jordan and Kyrgyz Republic. The specific objectives of this project are four-fold: (i) conduct selected analyses of water efficiency along the food chain to inform EBRD’s agribusiness investment decisions; (ii) identify potential agribusiness clients for [...]



Bangladesh: Socio-economic context and role of agriculture (Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends)

How have governments responded to the 2007/08 food crisis and how has their approach evolved since then? Which measures have gained the attention of national policy makers in recent years? What are the emerging issues in the context of national food security policy, and which areas of investigation should be considered further? The new series of country fact sheets launched by FAPDA attempt to answer these questions presenting key food and agriculture policy trends since the 2007/08 food security crisis. FAPDA country fact sheets are prepared in collaboration with national partners and FAO country and regional offices. Each fact sheet provides a [...]



Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor

The Asia Pacfiic Food Price and Policy Monitor (APFPPM) is a monthly report tasked to monitor food prices in local markets and provide readers with up to date food/agricultural policy developments across the Asia Pacific region. See all Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor issues

Case study


Maroc. Étude du secteur des oléagineux. Centre d'Investissement de la FAO

Cette étude conjointe de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et de la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement (BERD) examine le secteur des oléagineux au Maroc. Elle a pour objectif d’identifier différentes options pour appuyer le développement du secteur, notamment en matière de politique agricole. L’analyse repose sur un ensemble de données quantitatives et qualitatives, provenant d’une revue de la littérature existante, d’une enquête de terrain et de l’analyse des données recueillies au cours d’entretiens avec agriculteurs, industriels et autres intervenants du secteur. L’étude examine les perspectives de production et de consommation des oléagineux au Maroc, ainsi que les politiques sectorielles et les accords commerciaux [...]

Issue paper


Wheat Production and Regional Food Security in CIS: The Case of Belarus, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Policy Studies on Rural Transition No. 2016-1

The main objective of the study is to produce critical projections of domestic wheat production to 2024 for Belarus, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This will allow to answer the key question as to the limits of wheat production increases in the three countries. The main methodology of the study lies in a critical appraisal of the drivers of demand and supply for wheat in Belarus, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The first step in understanding the drivers of wheat demand and supply in these countries is to comprehend the farming system that produces wheat in these three countries. These countries are often cited as [...]