Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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The role of animal health in national climate commitments

This brief has been produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in collaboration with the Global Dairy Platform (GDP) and the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and with the financial support of the New Zealand Government. The FAO was approached by GDP and GRA to develop guidance following previous research on dairy cattle in order to support policy makers and livestock sector actors in implementing a process that captures the co-benefits of cattle health initiatives in their climate commitments. It provides examples in specific countries in collaboration with the World Bank and [...]



In Brief to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022

The In Brief version of the FAO flagship publication, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022, contains the key messages and main points from the publication and is aimed at the media, policy makers and a more general public.The following complementary information is available:See the interactive storyRead the full report



The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022. Repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable

This year’s report should dispel any lingering doubts that the world is moving backwards in its efforts to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. We are now only eight years away from 2030, but the distance to reach many of the SDG 2 targets is growing wider each year. There are indeed efforts to make progress towards SDG 2, yet they are proving insufficient in the face of a more challenging and uncertain context. The intensification of the major drivers behind recent food insecurity and malnutrition trends (i.e. conflict, climate extremes and economic shocks) combined with [...]



Framework for Action on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

Biodiversity for food and agriculture comprises all the components of biodiversity that contribute to crop and livestock production, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture – both wild and domesticated, and at genetic, species and ecosystem levels. It is vital to food security and nutrition, livelihoods and the supply of a range of ecosystem services. The Framework for Action on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture was endorsed by the FAO Council in 2021. It contains more than 50 individual actions grouped into three strategic priority areas: characterization, assessment and monitoring; management (sustainable use and conservation); and institutional frameworks. It was developed in response to [...]



FAO virtual booth for the 9th World Water Forum - Dakar 2021

By 2050, the world needs to produce an estimated 50 percent more food than in 2012 to ensure global food security, and it must do so while conserving and enhancing the natural resource base. Water is a major input and environmental condition in the provision of food – from production in the field through all the steps in the supply chain. Water is also required to meet personal and household needs, for energy and industrial production, and to maintain important water-dependent ecosystems and their services. With demand and competition for water on the rise, however, the planet’s water resources are under unprecedented stress due to [...]



Guide pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance des régimes fonciers pastoraux en Mauritanie

Ce guide en image est le fruit d’un processus participatif et inclusif de Renforcement des capacités des Comités régionaux de transhumance qui ont réuni plus de 90 participants (pasteurs/éleveurs, administration territoriales, conseils régionaux, structures techniques décentralisées des différents départements ministériels clefs, les organisations de la société civile, ainsi que les représentants de projets et les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) au niveau des Willayas pastorales). Organisées du 17 mars au 23 mars 2019 au niveau des Willayas de l’Assaba et des deux Hods, ces rencontres ont permis aux acteurs présents d’échanger, en lien avec la gouvernance des terres pastorales, sur les [...]

Issue paper


Coping with climate shocks: The complex role of livestock portfolios

Livestock portfolios play a significant role, as an income and consumption buffering strategy during severe droughts. The buffering potential of livestock varies by income quintile, length of the climate shock, animal species, and region. Households face trade-offs between using livestock assets to smooth the effect of the shock or protect future income generation. Livestock oriented resilience interventions should carefully consider the relationships among species, droughts, and socioeconomic groups. This study employs a unique dataset combining socioeconomic and livestock asset data from 150 000 households with a multi-scalar drought index.

Issue paper


Immediate effects of COVID-19 on the global dairy sector

The dairy sector is an example of the challenges that food supply chains have faced due to COVID-19. The pandemic has impacted the sector depending on countries’ trade profiles, per capita income, and market structure. The study reveals that the pandemic has accelerated on-going structural changes taking place in the dairy sector. Despite the preliminary nature of the results, they provide important insights to inform sectorial policy discussions.

Issue paper


Investigating potential recombination of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 or other coronaviruses in camels. Supplementary recommendations for the epidemiological investigation of SARS-CoV-2 in exposed animals

Dromedary camels are the main reservoir for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Genetic analysis of MERS-CoV isolates from humans and dromedaries revealed that direction of transmission is from camels to humans. Furthermore, several studies reported evidence of camel infection by other human CoVs, animal CoVs or unknown coronaviruses. There is evidence of recombination between different betacoronaviruses in camels. Analysis of the Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 receptor (ACE2) binding in dromedaries predicted potential binding affinity to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) receptor binding domain (RBD), however some other studies predicted the contrary. With the pandemic spread of [...]

Issue paper


Итальянская саранча Calliptamus italicus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Характеризуются эволюционно-таксономические, морфолого-анатомические и эколого-географические особенности итальянской саранчи, или итальянского пруса, и близких к ней видов. Описывается пространственная структура популяционных систем этого вида и его роль в сообществах прямокрылых и в экосистемах в целом. Специальные главы посвящены проблемам управления популяциями пруса и других вредных саранчовых. Рассматриваются традиционные и современные подходы в этой области, в том числе и основанные на географических информационных системах. Монография предназначена для экологов, биогеографов, энтомологов, специалистов в области защиты растений, а также для студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальностей. only available in Russian.