Climate-Smart Agriculture Guideline for the United Republic of Tanzania: A Country–Driven Response to Climate Change, Food and Nutrition Insecurity
This guideline is an instructive tool that highlights key climate change and agricultural risks in the United Republic of Tanzania and provides information on mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives within rural development. It provides guidance on how this could best be achieved through the implementation of the CSA approach, in line with other policies related to agriculture sectors, food and nutrition security, and climate change. Its goal is thus primarily to inform on the implementation of the CSA framework and to describe the CSA practices and technologies best suited for different regions and agro–climatic zones of the country. [...]
Training & e-learning
E-learning Modules on Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture and Food Systems
This series of e-learning modules assists professionals from any food and agriculture field in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies. Developed through a multi-stakeholder consultative process and using a scenario-based and experiential learning approach, the modules cover all forms of malnutrition and a diversity of contexts.
Nutrition, food security and livelihoods: basic concepts An introduction to the basic concepts of food, nutrition; the different forms of malnutrition; the frameworks for food security, nutrition security and livelihoods and their linkages. Understanding these concepts is key to be able to assess the nutrition situation [...]
Toolkit on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems
The toolkit is an integrated package of guidance on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies and programmes. It is the result of a consultative process within FAO and with external partners, including development partners (in particular the World Bank and the European Commission), NGOs and academia. The toolkit includes:
Key recommendations for improving nutrition through agriculture and food systems10 recommendations for designing programmes in a nutrition-sensitive way and 5 recommendations for creating an enabling environment for nutrition.
Also available in French, Spanish and Russian.
Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture investments. Checklist and guidance for programme formulation provides key questions, [...]
Training & e-learning
Productive employment and decent work in rural areas
This e-learning course introduces you to the concepts of productive employment and decent work and its relevance for food and nutrition security and rural poverty reduction. The course also provides guidance on how to integrate employment and decent work considerations into agricultural strategies and programmes, with focus on specific groups such as rural women, youth and children in the agricultural sector.
The course consists of 6 lessons:
Lesson 1 Understanding employment and decent work in rural areas: concepts and definitions
Lesson 2 The centrality of employment and decent work for agricultural development, poverty reduction and food and nutrition security
Lesson 3 Youth [...]
Analysis of Public Expenditure Towards Food Security and Nutrition. Methodology Working Paper
Given the prevalence of Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) as a development objective and the importance of appropriately using public resources, the current paper aims to propose a classification table and method to construct indicators of public expenditures towards FSN, which can subsequently be used for policy analysis. The paper follows the following structure: after a brief introduction, the research question is introduced and positioned with respect to related researches available in the literature in section 2. The rationale of the MAFAP public expenditures in support of food and agriculture methodology is detailed in section 3, before being applied to [...]
Cohérence des politiques agricoles et alimentaires au Sénégal pour la période 2010–2015. Série de notes techniques
Cette note s’emploie à évaluer la cohérence des politiques agricoles et alimentaires mises en œuvre au Sénégal entre 2010 et 2015. L’analyse révèle notamment une hausse et un rééquilibrage des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition. Toutefois, les politiques agricoles et alimentaires du Sénégal continuent de souffrir d’un déficit de cohérence, perceptible à l’échelle du secteur agricole et de ses sous-secteurs. Les cultures végétales jouissent d’une attention prioritaire au détriment de l’élevage et de la pêche, sans pour autant répondre à un objectif politique précis. Les investissements consentis dans les infrastructures de pêche et d’élevage [...]
Issue paper
Europe and Central Asia: Regional Overview of Food Insecurity 2016. The Food Insecurity Transition
Part I of this year’s edition of the State of Food Insecurity in Europe and Central Asia is devoted to the theme of how the nature of food insecurity has evolved in the region over the past 23 years. The familiar four pillars of food security are used to demonstrate how the character of food insecurity in the region has changed substantially, owing to the pro-poor economic growth observed over the past 23 years, particularly in the poorer countries of the region. Today, the main indicators and issues on household food insecurity concern malnutrition, rather than the physical or economic [...]
Analyse des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Sénégal sur la période 2010–2015. Série de notes techniques
Cette note technique a pour objectif d’analyser l’évolution des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle (SAN) au Sénégal. Son ambition est de livrer une analyse détaillée du niveau, de la composition et de la cohérence des dépenses en soutien à la SAN dans le pays, en identifiant des possibilités d’amélioration dans la formulation et l’exécution de ces dépenses. Elle s’emploie tout particulièrement à déterminer si les dépenses en soutien à la SAN ont été allouées de manière cohérente par rapport aux objectifs du Gouvernement (efficience verticale) d’une part, et par rapport au diagnostic d’insécurité alimentaire et [...]
Issue paper
Meeting our goals. FAO's programme for gender equality in agriculture and rural development
FAO recognizes the potential of rural women and men in achieving food security and nutrition and is committed to overcoming gender inequality, in line with the pledge to “leave no one behind”, which is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. The publication illustrates the consistent and sustained work of FAO towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, which are at the core of the Organization’s work to eliminate hunger and rural poverty. Each chapter highlights the relevance of gender work to achieving the FAO Strategic Objectives, and describes main results achieved, showcasing activities implemented [...]
FAO-Dimitra Clubs in DR Congo: Food security and nutrition
The video demonstrates the key role of the clubs in the Province of Tshopo (DR Congo) for improving food security and nutrition and promoting gender equality for men, women and youth.
“Food security and Nutrition” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of FAO-Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
FAO-Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who decide to meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, make decisions together and take collective action to solve community problems with their own means.
Since [...]