Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Forest futures. Sustainable pathways for forests, landscapes and people in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study III

The demand of society on forests has continuously changed. Initially, forests were mainly seen as resources for timber. Overtime, the role of forests has expanded as our society expects various economic, social and environmental products and services from the forests. Forests now are seen as a component of broader landscapes. The interconnectedness of forests to other sectors has become much more understood. Also, there is a better appreciation of the environmental and cultural role of forests. Looking into the future, it is very important for governments, organizations, private sector and other stakeholders to understand the roles of forests and forestry [...]

Issue paper


An inclusive rural transformation in progress, but with unequal pace and characteristics across countries. 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Document 6

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text also discusses the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.

Issue paper


Rural transformation. Looking towards the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Document 1

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text also discusses the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.  



Reinforcing right to food and reducing food insecurity in West Africa

Despite its enormous potential, West Africa continues to suffer from high levels of food insecurity, with an estimated 11 percent of its population suffering from undernourishment or chronic hunger. With stunting, wasting, underweight and micronutrient deficiencies (such as vitamin A, iron and iodine deficiencies) affecting the most vulnerable groups, in particular children aged under five and women in reproductive age, a number of initiatives were adopted and projects implemented in the region. However, there has been insufficient coordination of these initiatives and projects, despite the fact that they target similar geographical areas and beneficiary populations. In addition, the Right to [...]



Cropping systems diversification to enhance productivity and adaptation to climate change. Malawi

Widespread maize monocropping in Malawi exposes farmers to significant livelihood risk in the context of increasing climate variability. 36 percent of rural households grow maize in monocrop. These farmers are often poor and land constrained, and experience low levels of productivity and high production volatility. The effects of crop diversification on farm productivity and income volatility in Malawi varies across cropping systems. Maize in combination with legumes is the only crop system in Malawi that is significantly associated with an increase in productivity and a reduction in crop income volatility. Contrary to expectations, crop systems with 3 or more [...]



The future of food and agriculture. Alternative pathways to 2050

This report explores three different scenarios for the future of food and agriculture, based on alternative trends for key drivers, including income growth and distribution, population growth, technical progress and climate change. Building on the report The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges, this publication forms part of FAO’s efforts to support evidence-based decision-making processes. It provides solid qualitative and quantitative analysis and sheds light on possible strategic options to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating hunger, improving nutrition and ensuring economic, social and environmental sustainability of food and agricultural systems. Find out more: Report summary FAO Website: Global Perspectives [...]



FAO Technical Guide 1. Introduction to gender-sensitive social protection programming to combat rural poverty. Why is it important and what does it mean?

Many social protection programmes, including cash transfers, public works programmes and asset transfers, target women as main beneficiaries or recipients of benefits. Extending social protection to rural populations has great potential for fostering rural women’s economic empowerment. However, to tap into this potential, more needs to be done. There is much scope for making social protection policies and programmes more gender sensitive and for better aligning them with agricultural and rural development policies to help address gender inequalities. Recognizing this potential and capitalizing on existing evidence, FAO seeks to enhance the contribution of social protection to gender equality and women’s empowerment [...]

Issue paper


Agricultural investment funds for development. Descriptive analysis and lessons learned from fund management, performance and private–public collaboration

This publication explores agricultural investment funds as a vehicle for financing agricultural businesses and projects. It looks at the capital needs of the different agricultural actors along the agricultural value chain and taking into consideration investment funds involving all kinds of investors (private, public as well as joint initiatives) and investment objectives. The publication draws heavily from the FAO 2010 publication “Agricultural Investment Funds for Developing Countries”, which was developed from an FAO-ConCAP research study that identified a broad range of investment funds that target agriculture in developing and transitioning countries. The identified funds were classified according to various criteria such [...]



The future of food and agriculture. Alternative pathways to 2050. Summary

This booklet provides a comprehensive overview of the longer Future of Food and Agriculture publication. Shorter, more easily readable for the general public, this version sets out the key trends and challenges to be addressed in order to achieve sustainable agriculture and meet the SDGs, in particular ending hunger by 2030. This report presents a summary of the challenges that agriculture and food systems are currently facing and will face into the 21st century. Analysis of 15 global trends provides insight into what is at stake and what needs to be done.  Most of the trends are strongly interdependent and combine to [...]



Demystifying the link between migration and development informs policy. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 12

Contrary to popular belief, development is more likely to increase rather than reduce emigration from countries at lower levels of income. The notion that better economic opportunities at home will reduce the incentive to migrate ignores what happens when development actually occurs: aspirations change, education levels improve, and financial constraints to migration become less binding. The net impact of these factors on emigration will vary depending on the development path taken by country. Providing attractive alternative opportunities for prospective rural migrants where they reside, such as through a territorial development approach that focuses on rural–urban linkages, is one way to [...]
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