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Dairy Market Review – Emerging trends and outlook 2022

The December issue of the publication summarizes the salient trends and market outlook in 2022. International dairy prices eased in recent months due to subdued import demand. Moreover, global milk production is forecast to expand slightly, sustained by growth in Asia. Meanwhile, world dairy trade may contract for the first time in two decades.



The future of food and agriculture – Drivers and triggers for transformation

This report aims at inspiring strategic thinking and actions to transform agrifood systems towards a sustainable, resilient and inclusive future, by building on both previous reports in the same series as well as on a comprehensive corporate strategic foresight exercise that also nurtured FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31. It analyses major drivers of agrifood systems and explores how their trends could determine alternative futures of agrifood, socioeconomic and environmental systems. The fundamental message of this report is that it is still possible to push agrifood systems along a pattern of sustainability and resilience, if key “triggers” of transformation are properly activated. [...]



Invertir prioritariamente en la agricultura paraguaya es vital para la recuperación

Los hallazgos reportados en esta nota han sido adaptados a partir del Estudio Técnico de Economía del Desarrollo Agrícola de la FAO "Inversión pública productiva en la agricultura para la recuperación económica con bienestar rural: un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay".Este estudio presenta escenarios prospectivos que proporcionan información sobre dónde, dentro de la agricultura paraguaya, se deberían priorizar los pocos recursos de inversión pública que se destinarían al sector.Una nueva inversión pública equivalente a 0,25% del PIB en el período 2023-2025 (1 798 000 millones de guaraníes de 2014), financiada con endeudamiento externo, le aportaría a la recuperación económica. [...]

Issue paper


Inversión pública productiva en la agricultura para la recuperación económica con bienestar rural: un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay

Paraguay mostró un crecimiento económico importante entre el 2010 y el 2019, a pesar de cierta contracción en el 2019, en el cual la agricultura contribuyó significativamente. Las proyecciones apuntan a una recuperación económica desde el año 2021, pero surge la pregunta de cuáles podrían ser los motores del nuevo crecimiento.Las carencias de la agricultura, principalmente en la agricultura familiar campesina, son preocupantes. Falta nueva inversión en infraestructura productiva, asistencia técnica, tecnología, créditos y acceso a insumos e implementos modernos. La inversión pública no solo ha sido reducida, sino que pareciera que la agricultura no entra notablemente en los planes [...]

Issue paper


Lebanon’s agrifood system in times of turbulence: obstacles and opportunities

Lebanon currently faces one of the worst economic crises of this century. The political deadlock, the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have further intensified the country’s existing economic fragility. Based on preliminary estimates, it is expected that the total cultivated area (mainly temporary crops and crops under greenhouses) will decrease during the 2021–2022 agricultural season due to the expected further increase in prices of inputs and soaring fuel prices. Overall, farmers will tend to shift to low-cost and less water demanding crops to reduce their overall production costs. Farmgate prices for agricultural products are also on the rise with [...]

Issue paper


Special Report – FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

At the request of the Government of Sri Lanka, a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) took place in June and July 2022 to analyse the country’s agricultural production in 2022, particularly of the main staple cereals, and to assess households’ food security conditions. The request was prompted by expectations of a well below agricultural output in 2022, owing to the effects of the severe macroeconomic crisis, which also pushed up food prices to record or near-record levels. This caused a significant worsening of households’ food security.Last updated 12/09/2022



Impact of COVID-19 on the human right to adequate food in the Pacific Region

The COVID-19 crisis is exacerbating food insecurity and malnutrition in the Pacific region as measures to halt the spread of the virus have had unintended impacts on people’s lives, such as rising unemployment and poverty. Moreover, lockdowns and mobility restrictions cause disruptions in trade within and between States, reducing the availability and accessibility of adequate food, and threatening the sustainability of agrifood systems.Urgent steps are needed to address food insecurity for the poorest and most marginalized. Measures aimed at providing immediate support to satisfy people’s dietary needs should be put in place, including the provision of food and nutrition assistance.See [...]

Issue paper


Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators 2022

Seven years into the 2030 Agenda, there is an urgent need to understand where the world stands in eliminating hunger and food insecurity, as well as in ensuring sustainable agriculture. FAO's new report, “Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators”, offers analysis and trends on indicators across eight SDGs (1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14 and 15), highlighting areas of progress and areas where further effort is needed.Available in digital format, this year’s edition also discusses selected indicators for which FAO is a contributing agency and/or have key implications for food and agriculture across these Goals. These additional [...]

Forums and community of practice


Food waste management and circular economy in Mediterranean cities

Food waste management and circular economy can be levers for sustainable food systems: food security in the Mediterranean region is threatened by natural resource scarcity, food import dependency, and current trade market instability to global crises. A circular economy approach to food waste would enableto recognize and maintain the value and utility of food products, nutrients and resources for as long as possible, minimizing resource use and upcycling food waste and by-products



Forest products in the global bioeconomy. Enabling substitution by wood-based products and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

This report addresses the role of forest products in replacing fossil-based and GHG-intensive products. The overarching objective is to provide recommendations to strengthen the contribution of substitution by forest products to sustainable development. To that end, this report firstly provides an overview of the understanding of the bioeconomy and the role of forest products across the world. Secondly, we present examples of conventional and innovative forest products and describe their role in the bioeconomy. Thirdly, we present a review of the quantitative and qualitative understanding of the environmental impacts and benefits of substituting fossil fuel-based or -intensive products with forest-based products, and of [...]