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Issue paper


Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture

This fact sheet presents an overview of current gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in the fisheries sector. Women’s engagement in fisheries can be viewed from social, political and technical perspectives, all of which show that the role of women is often underestimated. This inadequate recognition of women’s contributions hampers the sustainable development process, resulting in increased poverty and food insecurity. This fact sheet provides information on policy, institutions and planning processes; statistical dimensions in gender analysis; and specific concerns in the field of fisheries industries. It identifies lessons learned and opportunities for gender mainstreaming at macro, meso and microoperational levels. The information provided does not represent an exhaustive analysis of the subject, [...]

Case study


Governance of Food and Nutrition Security: Factors for Viability and Sustainability. Case Studies from Seven Latin American Countries

The publication will contain the following contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE GOVERNANCE OF FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SAFETY 3. KEY FACTORS FOR GOVERNANCE PROCESSES IN THE REGION. Critical general analysis on the key factors of SAN governance in LA: Legal and regulatory frameworks; National systems and local spaces for SAN governance, processes; Territorial scope; Participation of civil society and Regional Governance Instances. 4. CASE ANALYSIS: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Peru ,. Ecuador and Brazil. 5. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS. Policy recommendations, with the aim of improving the governance spaces of multisectoral SANs. 6. REFERENCES 



Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition: What Roles for Livestock? Committee on World Food Security (CFS 43, 2016). Policy Recommendations

The following recommendations have been elaborated building upon the main findings of the CFS High Level Panel of Expert’s report on Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock? The sustainable development of agriculture, including livestock, is essential for poverty reduction and the achievement of food security and nutrition. The recommendations aim to strengthen the contribution of the livestock sector1 to sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition (FSN) and contribute to the progressive realization of the right to adequate food, in the overall context of achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, recognizing the [...]



Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition: What Roles for Livestock? A Report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. HLPE Report 10

This report addresses the economic, environmental and social dimensions of agricultural development, with the objective of ensuring food and nutrition security, in terms of availability, access, utilization and stability. It focuses on the livestock component of agricultural systems, given the role of livestock as an engine for the development of the agriculture and food sector, and as a driver of major economic, social and environmental changes in food systems worldwide. The report identifies challenges to the achievement of sustainability in livestock systems and possible pathways towards sustainable agricultural development that contribute to current and future food security and nutrition. The report concludes with recommendations for appropriate [...]



Economic and Financial Analysis of Rural Investment Projects. IFAD's Internal Guidelines. Case Studies

These FAO/IFAD guidelines are designed as a sourcebook to address recurrent problems faced by practitioners to prepare Economic and Financial Analysis (EFA) during design, supervision and ex-post evaluation of projects. This volume offers practical, short and well-referenced EFA guidance notes built on actual cases from EFA of various development projects. It aims to offer methodological "hints", guidance and inspiration for EFAs of a wide array of development interventions, including: nutrition, climate-smart agriculture, natural resource management, livestock production, land tenure security, water and sanitation, rural finance, irrigation, rural roads, value chains and demand-driven investments.  The target audience comprises consultants working for governments, IFAD [...]



Voluntary Guidelines for Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Policies, Programmes and National and Regional Plans of Action on Nutrition

The Guidelines aim to support countries in the development of nutrition-sensitive agriculture practices that consider the nutrient composition of biodiversity for food and agriculture (in particular the varieties, cultivars and breeds of plants and animals used as food, as well as wild, neglected and underutilized species) to address malnutrition in all its forms. The Guidelines are divided into three main elements: Research, implementation, and awareness. Examples of activities are provided on how mainstreaming could be implemented depending on each country’s needs and capabilities.



Gender Equality, Social Protection and Rural Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Insights from the Region

This publication is a collection of articles written by economists, sociologists, and gender specialists and practitioners from twelve post-Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. It is unique in its effort to review and analyze the issues that are at the intersection of gender equality, social protection and rural development in the region. Overall, there is a lack of research, documented knowledge and public discourse on this subject and a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary for ensuring an in-depth and rigorous understanding of these intersecting issues in the context of the region. In supporting this publication, the FAO [...]



The Global Agriculture Perspectives System (GAPS). Version 1.0. ESA Working Paper No. 16-06

The purpose of this document is to provide a full description of FAO’s partial equilibrium modelling system known as GAPS. GAPS has been developed by FAO to study the development of global food markets in the long-term and to assess how socioeconomic fluctuations, climate change and investment pay-offs may affect future global food demand. GAPS is a simple self-contained model which specifies demand and supply for agricultural and food commodities with global coverage and great detail for low and middle income countries. It is shaped around FAOSTAT data on production and commodity balance sheets, which enables a detailed specification of agricultural and food commodities. Furthermore, GAPS allows to assess [...]



Acabar con el hambre y la malnutrición. Colaboración de la FAO con los parlamentarios en materia de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional

La erradicación del hambre y la malnutrición constituyen el núcleo de los esfuerzos de la FAO. Para que pueda alcanzarse este objetivo es necesario contar con la participación de todos los interesados directos, entre ellos los parlamentarios y los actores no estatales, como la sociedad civil y el sector privado. Los hechos han demostrado que la mejora de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional es esencialmente fruto de políticas, programas y marcos que están sólidamente anclados en la legislación. Los parlamentarios son los guardianes fundamentales de los compromisos políticos en materia de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición; por consiguiente, constituyen los aliados clave [...]



2015–2016 El Niño - Early Action and Response for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition

This report provides a global analysis of the El Niño-related disasters and their impact on agriculture, food security and nutrition.  Analysis in the report is divided between FAO high priority countries and other countries at risk.  Countries were selected based on a combination of analysis of the El Niño event and FAO priorities for strengthening the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises.