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Case study


The Rural Youth Mobility project. Methodology and results

This publication provides an overview of the methodology and best practices developed during the implementation of the Rural Youth Mobility Project (RYM) in Tunisia and Ethiopia, while decsribing the results acheived at country level. The Project was launched in 2015 to address the drivers of rural out-migration of youth - such as poverty, food insecurity and unemployment - while at the same time harnessing the development potential of migratory movements. With funding from the Italian Development Cooperation, RYM strives to shed lights on the drivers and patterns of rural migration and enhance governments’ capacity to better address migration issues in the context [...]

Case study


Promoting alternatives to migration for rural youth in Tunisia and Ethiopia

Each year, rural areas lose a promising share of their workforce, as youth leave their homes and migrate to cities or move abroad in search of a better future. The distress induced by poverty, food insecurity and a lack of employment opportunities push many youth around the world to search for jobs elsewhere.  By addressing the links between distress migration and rural development, FAO is making a difference in Tunisia and Ethiopia. With funding from the Italian Development Cooperation, the Rural Youth Mobility Project (RYM) was launched in 2015 to provide unemployed youth in migration-prone areas the two countries with the [...]

Case study


FAO's Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for promoting decent rural employment. Results and stories from the field

Almost 88 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion youth live in developing countries. Globally, young people account for approximately 24 percent of the working poor. Although the world’s youth population is expected to grow, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for young women and men remain limited – particularly for those living in economically stagnant rural areas of developing countries. Hence, creating more productive and beneficial jobs for the rural youth is particularly urgent.  To address this challenge, FAO launched the Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for decent rural employment. The overall objective of ICA is to help country create more and better employment [...]

Case study


Caractéristiques, dynamiques, et moteurs des migrations rurales au Sénégal

Ce bref de huit pages résume les principaux résultats d’un étude réalisé dans le cadre de du projet «Favoriser les investissements productifs afin de créer des emplois agricoles et non-agricoles décents pour les jeunes ruraux dans les zones du Sénégal enclines à la migration». L’étude se base sur des enquêtes menées auprès de 1000 ménages ruraux dans les régions de Matam et Kaolack et a pour but principal de générer des informations sur les caractéristiques, dynamiques et moteurs de la migration se déroulant dans les zones rurales du Sénégal. Cette étude participera à informer les politiques économiques sectorielles, d’emploi des [...]

Issue paper


Les migrations rurales dans la dynamique migratoire sénégalaise

While international migration attracts most attention, since the late 1990s, internal and in particular temporary migration flows increased significantly in Senegal. These migratory dynamics, whose modalities have diversified alongside migrants' profiles and trajectories, are the result of the combined effect of population growth and underemployment, of a continuous degradation of the natural environment and of migration policies of OECD countries limiting international mobility. Internal migration largely comes from rural areas. This is indicative of a state of structural crisis that marks the agricultural sector but also reflects the low diversification of the national economy. The migrations flows reshape the national [...]



Rural migration in Senegal. Infographic

This two-page infographic highlights the main results of the study "Characteristics, Dynamics, and Drivers of Rural Migration in Senegal" and was carried out in the framework of the project "Fostering productive investments to create decent farm and non-farm jobs for rural youth in migration-prone areas in Senegal”. This infographic provides information on the main facts and statistics of rural migration in Senegal, the drivers of migration and the characteristics of migrants and migrant households



Rural migration in Senegal

This animated video provides a snapshot of rural migration in Senegal, focusing on the rural regions of Kaolack and Matam - which are particularly affected by out-migration. The video highlights main facts and statistics, the drivers of migration and the characteristics of migrants and migrants’ households.  



Rural migration in Tunisia

The RuMiT (Rural Migration in Tunisia) research addresses the determinants of migration and mobility, the patterns and types of rural youth outmigration and the impact of rural youth migration on rural livelihoods and societies in origin regions in Tunisia. The research used a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods, providing comparative insights into: international and internal migrants and non-migrants; pre- and post-2011 migrants; households with and without migrants.  Main results show that migrants from rural areas are increasingly highly educated and leaving to pursue their studies abroad. This particularly applies to women, who also register a decrease in marriage-related migration. [...]

Issue paper


FAO Migration Framework. In brief

The drivers and impacts of migration are intimately linked to FAO's global goals of eradicating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, eliminating poverty and promoting the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources. FAO, given its mandate as a specialized UN agency, is uniquely placed to support Member States in addressing both the rural dimensions of migration as well as its implications for rural populations, including the future of agriculture and food systems. This document provides a brief overview of the structure of the FAO Migration Framework, explaining why and how FAO works on migration. The purpose of the Framework is to [...]

Case study


Approche Pays Intégrée (API) de la FAO pour la promotion de l’emploi décent des jeunes en milieu rural au Sénégal

L'emploi et le travail décent en milieu rural sont essentiels pour parvenir à la sécurité alimentaire et à la réduction de la pauvreté. L'un des programmes phares de la FAO dans ce domaine est l'Approche Pays Intégrée (API) pour la promotion de l’emploi décent des jeunes en milieu rural. Jusqu'à présent, le programme API a été mis en œuvre dans cinq pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne et de l’Amérique latine. Au Sénégal, la mise en œuvre du programme a commencé en 2015.
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