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Food and Agriculture Statistics - Data dissemination briefs

Find all of FAO's data dissemination briefs - here. Find the most recently published data dissemination brief under "Download PDF".



Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems

Since 2020, the EU, FAO and CIRAD have entered into a partnership with governments and food systems actors to initiate a large-scale assessment and consultation on food systems in more than 50 countries, as a first step towards transforming them. The assessments and consultations will gather evidence and knowledge in support of the transition to more sustainable food systems, centered on four core goals, namely food security, nutrition and health, inclusive economic growth, territorial development and equity, and the environment. Country teams led by the government and supported by EU Delegations, FAO Representations and other development partners are driving the [...]

Issue paper


The White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples' food systems

This White/Wiphala paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems is the result of collective work by Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and experts, scientists, researchers, and UN staff. Over 47 different units, organizations, and institutions have contributed to the Paper from the seven socio-cultural regions. This final version of the White/Wiphala paper has been coordinated by the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems and edited by a Technical Editorial Committee, and summarises the main points received.This Paper advocates that lessons can be learnt from Indigenous Peoples’ approach to food, which will contribute to the resilience and sustainability of food systems worldwide, as well [...]

Case study


Effectiveness and duplicability of the Youth Inspiring Youth in Agriculture Initiative. Lessons learned from Uganda

Agricultural production relies heavily on migrant labour across geographies and production systems, from large-scale plantations growing food crops for global supply chains to small-scale pastoralist families following their herds to new pastures depending on seasons. Much of the migration is seasonal, filling peak labour demands, such as during harvest. Hence, stable agri-food systems that can contribute to fulfilling Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 on zero hunger are intrinsically intertwined with migrant workers’ lives and working conditions.While migration can provide families with new opportunities, it can also pose challenges to children migrating with their parents or left behind. Seasonal agricultural migration [...]

Issue paper


Seasonal migration and child labour in agriculture. Background paper

Agricultural production relies heavily on migrant labour across geographies and production systems, from large-scale plantations growing food crops for global supply chains to small-scale pastoralist families following their herds to new pastures depending on seasons. Much of the migration is seasonal, filling peak labour demands, such as during harvest. Hence, stable agri-food systems that can contribute to fulfilling Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 on zero hunger are intrinsically intertwined with migrant workers’ lives and working conditions.While migration can provide families with new opportunities, it can also pose challenges to children migrating with their parents or left behind. Seasonal agricultural migration [...]

Issue paper


Tackling child labour in fisheries and aquaculture. Background paper

The global aquatic food industry, long under scrutiny over environmental sustainability concerns, has also come under increased scrutiny within the past decade over poor working conditions and severe human rights violations, including widespread use of forced labour and child labour. However, there is limited research and documentation available on child labour in fishing, aquaculture and fish and aquatic food processing globally. Much of the available evidence is centred on labour conditions in global supply chains. However, due to higher levels of informality, limited law enforcement capacity, and so on, it is more likely that children produce fish and aquatic-sourced foods [...]

Issue paper


Tackling child labour through decent youth employment in agri-food systems. Background paper

Poverty reduction and food security are intrinsically linked. Both depend on sustainable food systems and safe and sustainable agricultural practices. Similarly, poverty reduction and sustainable food systems can only be realized if those producing food, for their own consumption and for local and global supply chains, have decent working conditions and stable livelihoods.Hence, it is essential that young people above the minimum age for employment are protected, offered relevant technical and vocational training, and able to work in safe, non-exploitative agricultural work. Working towards a successful school-to-work transition for the 15-17 years age cohort goes hand in hand with the [...]

Issue paper


Key COVID-19 Lessons and Recommendations for Working Towards Universal Social Protection

The paper contains a joint statement by the Social Protection Interagency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B), a coordination mechanism comprising of a broad swath of intergovernmental and bilateral agencies engaged in social protection, drawing from the lessons drawn in the social protection response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its aim is to consolidate the gains made in putting social protection at the core of COVID-19 response and recovery strategies, inform the implementation of actions geared towards strengthening social protection systems so that they can better respond to future shocks, and advocate for further commitment and resources to make universal social protection a reality [...]

Issue paper


2021-23 Action plan for the implementation of the FAO strategy on mainstreaming biodiversity across agricultural sectors

The action plan for the implementation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations strategy on mainstreaming biodiversity across agricultural sectors was approved at the 166th FAO Council in 2021 in view of preparations for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.This action plan is based on and serves the purpose of operationalizing the FAO Strategy on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agricultural Sectors (Strategy) and is intended to strengthen the work of FAO and its partners, in consultation with Members, to mainstream biodiversity across agricultural sectors.



Introducing the Advisory Group of the Global Strategic Framework in support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

This flyer provides an introduction to the Advisory Group, which is a part of the of the Global Strategic Framework in support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication (SSF Guidelines).The Global Strategic Framework is a partnership mechanism with an advisory and facilitative role. Its members can share experiences, mobilize resources together, develop synergies and coordinate efforts to advocate for policies and approaches that favour the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. It was developed on recommendation from the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI).The Advisory Group primarily [...]