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Europe and Central Asia: Regional food market situation and policy bulletin in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

According to the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS), cereal production in 2019 and the estimated closing stock in 2019/20 are both near record highs and supplies in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and around the world are estimated to be sufficient. As a result, global cereal markets are expected to remain balanced and comfortable despite worries over the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, localized disruptions, largely due to logistical issues, have caused some snarls in food distribution systems and food supply chains in some domestic markets. Though the anticipated duration and magnitude of these disruptions are unlikely [...]



Strengthening financial services for roots and tubers value chains development in Africa. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 24

Notwithstanding an increasing demand for their derived products, roots and tubers (R&T) value chains in Africa remain loose, fragmented and informal, and many market opportunities remain unexploited. Some encouraging new investment initiatives in R&T value chains have recently been documented, both by improving the competitiveness of small actors of the value chains, and by building the capacity of financial services providers to design products and services that fit the specific needs of the mentioned actors. This policy brief provides recommendations for policymakers, including the development of incentives for investing in the sector, through the facilitation of the use of alternative [...]



COVID-19 global economic recession: Avoiding hunger must be at the centre of the economic stimulus

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast in January that the global economy would grow by 3.3 percent in 2020, however its latest outlook, in April, now forecasts a contraction of 3.0 percent, with no upside scenarios and numerous risks. The scenario presented in this brief predicts that if the anticipated global recession, due to the effects of COVID-19, were to trigger a reduction in the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) of between two and ten percentage points in all countries in 2020, then the number of undernourished people in net food-importing countries would increase by 14.4 million to 80.3 [...]



Extension and advisory services: at the frontline of the response to COVID-19 to ensure food security

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is expanding daily. Governments around the globe are confronted with multiple challenges related to minimizing the devastating health impact and protecting human lives, and ensuring sufficient food supplies and the functioning of services to those most in need. All this while coping with the economic consequences of COVID-19, which is expected to push an additional 548 million people below the poverty line. Between present disruptions and future threats to the food supply chain, the COVID-19 outbreak has generated extreme vulnerability in the agriculture sector. It is therefore crucial to mobilize all available instruments, [...]



Food safety in the time of COVID-19

Specific information about the virus responsible for COVID-19 is and remains scant; however, the behaviour and characteristics of the virus can be predicted based on data from similar viruses such as those responsible for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Despite the hypothesis that the virus may have originated in bats and infected another animal used for food, there is no evidence of continued transmission of the virus from animals to humans through the food chain. The application of sound principles of environmental sanitation, personal hygiene and established food safety practices will reduce the likelihood [...]

Issue paper


Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in food crises | April–December 2020

The document presents FAO's component of the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Appeal, focusing on maintaining operations in food crisis contexts, anticipating the secondary impacts of the pandemic and related containment efforts on the world's most vulnerable people and sustaining critical food supply chains to avert future food crises.



Guyana’s diversification perspectives to overcome vulnerability. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 20

This policy brief analyses institutional challenges faced by Guyana’s agricultural sector to promote diversification and development. Agricultural development in Guyana is strongly correlated with agricultural diversification, hence diversification strategies can be used to promote growth in this sector. The identified challenges in the analysis that currently hamper diversification and trade of Guyana’s agricultural products include high tariff and non-tariff barriers, low level of direct investment, and a lack of physical infrastructure. Furthermore, missing quality and quantity capacities of farmers as well as the lack of a working sanitary and phytosanitary regime hinders intra-regional trade and import substitution. It is recommended [...]



Anticipating the impacts of COVID-19 in humanitarian and food crisis contexts

While the COVID-19 pandemic is devastating lives, public health systems, livelihoods and economies all over the world, populations living in food crisis contexts are particularly exposed to its effects. Countries with existing humanitarian crises are particularly exposed to the effects of the pandemic, which is already directly affecting food systems through impacts on food supply and demand, and indirectly through decreases in purchasing power, the capacity to produce and distribute food, and the intensification of care tasks, all of which will have differentiated impacts and will more strongly affect the most vulnerable populations. The effects could be even stronger in countries [...]



Responding to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food value chains through efficient logistics

Measures implemented around the world to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have entailed a severe reduction not only in the transportation of goods and services that rely on transport, but also in the migration of labour domestically and internationally. Workers are less available reflecting both disruptions in transportation systems and restrictions to stop the transmission of the disease, within and across borders. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) urges countries to maintain functioning food value chains to avoid food shortages, following practices that are being proven to work. This note summarizes some practices that could be useful for [...]



Mercados mayoristas: acción frente al COVID-19

La  Oficina  Regional  de  la  FAO  para  América Latina y el Caribe y la FLAMA establecerán una estrategia conjunta para monitorear y publicitarlas  actividades  de  los  mercados  mayoristas  y Centros  de  Abastos  de  la  Región  en  esteperíodo  de  crisis  debido  a  la  pandemia  de COVID-19. El  presente  boletín  tiene  como  objetivo compartir   periódicamente   las   principales estrategias  de  prevención  de  la  contaminación adoptadas  por  los  Mercados  Mayoristas  e informar sobre sus actividades y las condiciones operativas  de  los  Mercados  para  garantizar  el suministro   de   alimentos,   que   continúan cumpliendo  su  papel  estratégico  y  fundamentalen  el  suministro  de  alimentos  de  las  ciudades. Con  informaciones  [...]