Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Issue paper


Investigating Policy Processes: The Governance Analytical Framework (GAF)

Societies develop ways of making decisions regarding collective problems, thereby creating norms, rules, and institutions; this is what governance is about. In policy research, governance has become an important focus of attention; but debates show a lack of clarity at the conceptual level and a confusion between the use of the concept for prescriptive and analytical purposes. The present article is based on the hypothesis that using a clarified, non-normative governance perspective in policy research can contribute to an improved understanding of political processes, including formal and unrecognised ones, those embedded in larger and smaller social systems, as well as [...]

Case study


Food and Agricultural Policy Trends After the 2008 Food Security Crisis Renewed Attention to Agricultural Development. EASYPol Series 125

Published under the The Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) project, this paper reviews the policy decisions taken from October 2008 to mid 2010. It aims to analyze the policy trends during the period that followed the peak of the 2008 Food Security Crisis. It seeks to identify possible changes in the policy orientation adopted by selected FAO member countries. This paper aspires to answer to the question raised as the result of the 2009 FAO publication on "Country Responses to the Food Security Crisis" which had found quite deep changes in the orientation of policies put in place by [...]



La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2010- 2011 : Le rôle des femmes dans l'agriculture. Combler le fossé entre les hommes et les femmes pour soutenir le développement

Les femmes participent de manière considérable à l’économie rurale dans toutes les régions en développement. Si les rôles qu’elles assument sont différents selon les régions, on observe toutefois partout qu’elles ont un accès plus restreint que les hommes aux ressources et aux débouchés qui leur permettraient d’être plus productives. Un meilleur accès des femmes à la terre, aux animaux d’élevage, à l’instruction, aux services financiers et de vulgarisation, aux technologies et au marché de l’emploi rural se traduirait par une nette augmentation de leur productivité et par une amélioration de la production agricole, de la sécurité alimentaire, de la croissance économique et du bien-être [...]



The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture. Managing Systems at Risk

The State of Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) is FAO's first flagship publication on the global status of land and water resources. It is an 'advocacy' report, to be published every 3 to 5 years, and targeted at senior level decision makers in agriculture as well as in other sectors. SOLAW is aimed at sensitizing its target audience on the status of land resources at global and regional levels and FAO's viewpoint on appropriate recommendations for policy formulation. SOLAW focuses on these key dimensions of analysis: (i) quantity, quality of land and water resources (ii) the rate of use and [...]



Produire plus avec moins. Guide à l’intention des décideurs sur l’intensification durable de l’agriculture paysanne

Le modèle actuel d’intensification de la production ne permet pas de relever les défis du nouveau millénaire. Il va falloir apprendre à produir plus avec moins. Le présent ouvrage presente un nouveau modèle: l’intensification durable des cultures, qui permet d’accroître la production sur une même superficie tout en préservant les ressources, en réduisant l’impact négatif sur l’environnement et en améliorant le capital natural et le flux des services environnementaux.

Issue paper


Rural Women’s Access to Financial Services: Credit, Savings and Insurance. ESA Working Paper No. 11-07

This paper reviews rural women’s access to financial services, a key factor of successful rural development strategies. Designing appropriate financial products for women to be able to save, borrow and insure is essential to strengthen women’s role as producers and widen the economic opportunities available to them. For this purpose it is essential to understand how context-specific legal rights, social norms, family responsibilities and women’s access to and control over other resources shape their need for capital and their ability to obtain it. The paper argues that it is important that development strategies that aim to boost rural women’s productive [...]

Issue paper


Payments for Ecosystem Services and Food Security

The report examines: the role of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in agriculture; the relevance of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) agri-environmental measures for PES; opportunities and gaps in PES implementation and key areas for further investigation; cost-effective targeting of PES; social and cultural drivers behind the success of PES; landscape labelling approaches to PES through bundling services, products and stewards; enabling conditions and complementary legislative tools; and PES within the context of a green economy. The report includes case studies on: PES and eco-certification in Kenya; geographic indication certification in Ukraine; PES in Tanzania; PES and rubber [...]



The wealth of waste. The economics of wastewater use in agriculture. FAO Water Reports 35

The use of reclaimed water in agriculture is an option that is increasingly being investigated and taken up in regions with water scarcity, growing urban populations and growing demand for irrigation water. This report addresses the economic and financial issues and the methodology and procedures involved in the analysis of water recycling projects.

Training & e-learning


FAO Learning Module 1 on Capacity Development: Enhancing FAO’S practices for supporting capacity development of member countries

This learning module provides a basic understanding and knowledge of capacity development (CD), reflecting the international debate as well as FAO’s perspective on CD. It also provides some key concepts for adopting changes in responsibilities, behaviours and attitudes that are consistent with FAO’s new role in CD. Specifically, by the end of this module you will have gained a deeper understanding of: the evolving role of CD in general and in the context of FAO’s work the challenges and success factors that are key for an effective CD practice – one that leads to sustainable outcomes and impacts in Member Countries key principles, concepts and methodologies suitable [...]

Case study


Promoting employment and entrepreneurship for vulnerable youths in West Bank and Gaza Strip

FAO - in partnership with the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Youth Development Association and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) - has recently published a case study report on “Promoting Employment and Entrepreneurship for Vulnerable Youths in West Bank and Gaza Strip” Youth in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS) face enormous challenges related to occupation, conflict, deep rural poverty, food insecurity and lack of extracurricular activities. Israeli closure policies, the construction of the Separation Wall, land confiscation, limited access to [...]