Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Issue paper


Rural Women’s Access to Financial Services: Credit, Savings and Insurance. ESA Working Paper No. 11-07

This paper reviews rural women’s access to financial services, a key factor of successful rural development strategies. Designing appropriate financial products for women to be able to save, borrow and insure is essential to strengthen women’s role as producers and widen the economic opportunities available to them. For this purpose it is essential to understand how context-specific legal rights, social norms, family responsibilities and women’s access to and control over other resources shape their need for capital and their ability to obtain it. The paper argues that it is important that development strategies that aim to boost rural women’s productive [...]

Issue paper


Payments for Ecosystem Services and Food Security

The report examines: the role of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in agriculture; the relevance of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) agri-environmental measures for PES; opportunities and gaps in PES implementation and key areas for further investigation; cost-effective targeting of PES; social and cultural drivers behind the success of PES; landscape labelling approaches to PES through bundling services, products and stewards; enabling conditions and complementary legislative tools; and PES within the context of a green economy. The report includes case studies on: PES and eco-certification in Kenya; geographic indication certification in Ukraine; PES in Tanzania; PES and rubber [...]



The wealth of waste. The economics of wastewater use in agriculture. FAO Water Reports 35

The use of reclaimed water in agriculture is an option that is increasingly being investigated and taken up in regions with water scarcity, growing urban populations and growing demand for irrigation water. This report addresses the economic and financial issues and the methodology and procedures involved in the analysis of water recycling projects.

Training & e-learning


FAO Learning Module 1 on Capacity Development: Enhancing FAO’S practices for supporting capacity development of member countries

This learning module provides a basic understanding and knowledge of capacity development (CD), reflecting the international debate as well as FAO’s perspective on CD. It also provides some key concepts for adopting changes in responsibilities, behaviours and attitudes that are consistent with FAO’s new role in CD. Specifically, by the end of this module you will have gained a deeper understanding of: the evolving role of CD in general and in the context of FAO’s work the challenges and success factors that are key for an effective CD practice – one that leads to sustainable outcomes and impacts in Member Countries key principles, concepts and methodologies suitable [...]

Case study


Promoting employment and entrepreneurship for vulnerable youths in West Bank and Gaza Strip

FAO - in partnership with the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Youth Development Association and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) - has recently published a case study report on “Promoting Employment and Entrepreneurship for Vulnerable Youths in West Bank and Gaza Strip” Youth in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS) face enormous challenges related to occupation, conflict, deep rural poverty, food insecurity and lack of extracurricular activities. Israeli closure policies, the construction of the Separation Wall, land confiscation, limited access to [...]

Training & e-learning


Junior Farmer Field and Life School Manuals for Trainers

Chronic youth underemployment and poverty can be attributed to young people’s limited access to skills development opportunities. To address this challenge, FAO has developed the Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) methodology. JFFLS is an innovative approach that trains vulnerable rural youth in the agricultural, business and life skills needed to earn a decent living, and to become more productive and active members of their communities. This 16-module training material help to teach vulnerable children and young people about farming and how to take care of themselves. 



Developing effective forest policy. A guide

Many countries develop or revise forest policies to keep abreast of changing circumstances and to enhance the value of forests to society. Experience from these processes shows that substantial changes have occurred in the past 20 years in both the content of forest policies and the ways in which they are developed or revised. This guide aims to support countries in planning and conducting forest policy development processes. Based on a review of practical experiences, it outlines the rationale  and purpose of a national forest policy and the different elements of the forest policy development process. This publication will help [...]



Guidance on how to address decent rural employment in FAO country activities

This guidance document will:  Introduce the concepts of rural employment and decent work (RE&DW). Acknowledge the centrality of RE&DW for the achievement of the Millennium  Development Goals (MDGs) • Affirm FAO’s comparative advantages in dealing with RE&DW and identify the main areas  of intervention • Provide a summary of the results of FAO’s “Self-Assessment on Employment and Decent Work • Suggest examples of concrete actions that FAO country offices could consider to promote  RE&DW w ithin their existing work programmes  • Encourage the creation of links with International Labour Organization (ILO) field offices  and facilitate partnerships and the identification of synergies.  



Child labour prevention in agriculture. Junior Farmer Field and Life School - Facilitator's guide

Childrens participation in their own family farm activities helps them learn valuable skills and contribute  to the generation of household income, which has a positive impact on their livelihoods. Such participation is important for children and builds their self-esteem. Because of poverty, the breakdown of the family, the demand for cheap labour, family indebtedness,  household shocks due to HIV and other reasons, many younger children end up doing work that  poses a risk to their physical and psychological development or to their right to formal education. The prevention and mitigation of child labour has always been an implicit element of [...]



Food Security in Africa. Market and Trade Policy for Staple Foods in Eastern and Southern Africa

The origins of this volume stem from interactions with developing country government offi cials and policy makers on trade-related issues, where it became apparent that there was a need to supplement the debates related to multilateral trade negotiations, and associated trade capacity-building activities, with a clearer understanding and refl ection among policy makers and those seeking to provide policy advice, on the type of agriculture sector trade policy that would be desirable for diff erent developing countries, in boosting their growth and enhancing their food security situation. The perception is that many developing countries are not in a strong position to articulate their strategy for trade negotiations and end up being [...]