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Promoting the application of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Guidelines for Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry. A practical handbook for ASEAN parliamentarians

This handbook aims to help Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) parliamentarians play their role in operationalising the ASEAN Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ASEAN RAI). It is based on "Responsible investments in agriculture and food systems: A practical handbook for parliamentarians and parliamentary advisors" published by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in 2020. It adapts that earlier handbook to the ASEAN context and provides ASEAN parliamentarians with practical guidance on how to contribute to an enabling environment for responsible investment in [...]

Issue paper


Le système agricole et agroalimentaire tunisien face aux crises: focus sur la chaîne de valeur céréalière. Constats et réflexions pour la proposition d'un plan de relance à court et à moyen termes

Ce rapport met en évidence l'impact économique, financier et social de la crise de covid-19 sur le secteur agricole et agroalimentaire en Tunisie. En addition de ces impacts globaux, le rapport s'intéresse à l'expérience de certains pays d'Amérique latine où la sécurité alimentaire est une question clé dans la conduite des politiques publiques. Le rapport s'intéresse également à l'impact de la covid-19 sur la performance des chaînes de valeur agricoles et agroalimentaires en termes de commerce extérieur et présente les principaux facteurs de vulnérabilité et de contraintes de cette chaîne de valeur centrale dans la conduite des politiques publiques de [...]



Guidelines to increase the resilience of agricultural supply chains

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and agriculture have been felt all over the world. As the pandemic unfolded, considerable attention began to be paid to the resilience of agricultural supply chains to COVID-19-related shocks, as well as to natural and human-induced shocks more generally. These "Guidelines to increase the resilience of agricultural supply chains" are intended for policymakers and other stakeholders who need a broad grasp of the concepts, issues and possible approaches involved. Efforts to strengthen resilience to risks need to be based on a thorough analysis of the exposure and vulnerability of supply chains to them, [...]



Commodity investment needs in the eyes of Ugandan farmers and experts. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 62

This policy brief highlights the main findings from the FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study ‘Identifying commodity-specific priority investments in selected districts of Uganda’. The findings include a ranking from one to eight of priority investment areas – seeds/breeds, fertilizers/veterinary drugs, mechanization, irrigation, extension, research and development for five selected commodities (cassava, coffee, goats, maize and millet) in five districts in Uganda – from the perspective of farmers and local experts, who ultimately produce or support the production of the five commodities. The findings reveal that for commodities cassava, coffee, goats, maize and millet, the Ugandan farmers and district agriculture experts [...]

Issue paper


Decoupling direct payments in North Macedonia. Impacts on farmer income. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper No. 23-03

North Macedonia’s ambition to join the European Union requires reforms of the agricultural sector and subsidy system. One major reform is the alignment to the rules of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union on direct payments, including the “decoupling” of direct payments from production quantities. The decoupling of direct payments is likely to have significant impacts on production decisions, prices and therefore on farmer income. This paper identifies four possible scenarios for North Macedonia to align the direct payment scheme to the regulations of the European Union and subsequently analyses the impact of each scenario on farmer [...]



Farmer income and decoupled direct payments in North Macedonia. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 64

This policy brief summarizes the key findings and policy recommendations of the corresponding working paper Decoupling direct payments in North Macedonia – Impacts on farmer income. North Macedonia’s ambition to join the European Union requires reforms of the agricultural sector and subsidy system. One major reform is the alignment to the rules of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union on direct payments, including the “decoupling” of direct payments from production quantities. The decoupling of direct payments is likely to have significant impacts on production decisions, prices and therefore on farmer income. This paper identifies four possible scenarios [...]



The status of women in agrifood systems

The status of women in agrifood systems report uses extensive new data and analyses to provide a comprehensive picture of women’s participation, benefits, and challenges they face working in agrifood systems globally. The report shows how increasing women’s empowerment and gender equality in agrifood systems enhances women’s well-being and the well-being of their households, creating opportunities for economic growth, greater incomes, productivity and resilience. The report comes more than a decade after the publication of the State of food and agriculture (SOFA) 2010–11: Women in agriculture – Closing the gender gap for development. SOFA 2010–11 documented the tremendous costs of gender [...]



FAO and the 2030 Agenda follow-up and review. Guidance note for FAO Country and Regional Offices, January 2023

The main objective of the Guidance Note for FAO Country and Regional Offices is to support the process of re-positioning FAO as a strong member of the UN family supporting its Member States in the process of sustainable development through sustainable agrifood systems transformation, ensuring better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life for all, leaving no one behind.This Guidance Note for FAO Country Offices covers information about the importance of the follow-up and review process for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, including information about the gaps in the coverage of the Voluntary National Reviews, and [...]

Issue paper


Are Iraqi displaced farmers returning to agriculture?

In an effort to assist the Iraqi Government in addressing the challenges currently faced by the displaced farming population in their return to farming, the International Organization on Migration (IOM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have agreed to collaborate on a joint study to identify the needs of the displaced population and strategies for restarting agricultural production in conflict-affected rural areas. The study aims to 1) identify the role that agriculture plays as a source of livelihood for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees; 2) understand the drivers, constraints and challenges confronted by displaced and [...]

Issue paper


Repurposing food and agricultural policies to deliver affordable healthy diets, sustainably and inclusively: what is at stake? Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022

The analysis presented in this report examines the impacts of repurposing food and agricultural fiscal support and border support on the cost and affordability of healthy diets and several other key socioeconomic, nutritional and climate indicators. The impacts are estimated at the global level, as well as for various income groups and geographic regions. Scenarios include repurposing fiscal support to producer support targeted to high-priority foods (those where current levels of consumption are below that of recommended levels) and to consumer subsidies targeting high-priority foods.