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Global Report on Food Crises 2022

The 2022 Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC 2022) highlights the remarkably high severity and numbers of people in Crisis or worse (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above) or equivalent in 53 countries/territories, driven by persistent conflict, pre-existing and COVID-19-related economic shocks, and weather extremes. The number identified in the 2022 edition is the highest in the report’s six-year existence. The report is produced by the Global Network against Food Crises (which includes WFP), an international alliance working to address the root causes of extreme hunger.



Will promotion of agricultural mechanization help prevent child labour? Policy brief

The FAO-IFPRI study, of which this policy brief is a summary, focuses on the use of tractors because they are among the most versatile farm mechanization tools and are universal power sources for all other driven implements and equipment in agriculture, with significant potential to replace animal draught power and human power, including children’s muscle power. Tractor use is typically also the first type of machine-powered equipment in use at lower levels of agricultural development, the context where most child labour is found.Mechanization is mostly assumed to reduce child labour, as it is expected to be labour saving in general. [...]

Issue paper


Land and labour. Agricultural workers’ tenure rights

Land and labour rights can intersect in multiple ways. Investments in large-scale plantations often entail trade-offs between job creation and compressions of land rights. Also, labour relations can involve tenure dimensions, for example where estate managers sublet plots for workers to complement wages with food production for their family or local markets. Casual or seasonal employment and limited application of labour legislation can create precarity not only in workers’ employment but also in their tenure rights, with entire families dependent upon the employment status of one individual – thus perpetuating generational labour obligations, affecting relations within the family and the [...]



Strengthening decent rural employment opportunities for youth across different processes in the forest value chain in Uganda. Practices and lessons

This report addresses the subject of decent rural employment for youth in the forestry sector. It is based on case studies carried out across different processes in the value chain within the sector in Uganda, ranging from seedbed development through to plantation management, saw logging and trading.Findings indicate that a considerable number of Uganda’s legal and policy frameworks emphasize the participation of youth in the labour market, especially given that young people constitute a large majority of the country’s population. However, only a few of these frameworks focus on decent work, whether for young people or the country’s workers more [...]



FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Economic inclusion and social protection to reduce poverty. Pro-poor COVID-19 responses for an inclusive post-pandemic economic recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic is, directly and indirectly, impacting health and well-being around the globe. Illness and containment measures are compounding the social and economic disadvantages of the most vulnerable in society. These social and economic impacts stand to cause devastating setbacks to efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Pervasive inequalities between rural and urban inhabitants, rich and poor, women and men will exacerbate these effects. People in areas impacted by severe climate change, conflict, forced displacement, and migration will be even more vulnerable.Vulnerable groups include rural women, youth and children, indigenous people, the elderly, and people with [...]



Public employment programmes in the time of COVID-19

COVID-19 has quickly morphed from an unprecedented health crisis to a massive economic shock—and, unless immediate and decisive action is taken to sustain consumption levels and prevent disruptions to food supply chains, it could easily lead into a global food crisis. Public employment programmes (PEP) - which refer to a wide array of interventions including public works, cash for work, and temporary or emergency employment programmes - have a long track record of deployment in response to cyclical shocks, seasonal deprivation, and severe macro-economic crisis involving sharp income loss and large under- and unemployment. PEPs, in fact, have a key role [...]

Issue paper


Gender equality and livestock strategy for Europe and Central Asia 2021–2025

The gender equality and livestock strategy 2021-2025 presents the priority areas for gender mainstreaming in the REU Livestock Programme. These priorities were identified throughout a participatory process by key stakeholder in the Livestock Sector in Europe and Central Asia. The main priority areas are the following:1) Collect and analyze sex-disaggregated data in livestock in a systematic manner2) Secure vulnerable livestock farmers' access to productive resources3) Increase access of vulnerable groups to capacity development (e.g. women, refugees, internally displaced people, youth and other disadvantaged groups)Under these priority areas the strategy outlines specific objectives and outputs.



Sustainable Development Goals - FAO

FAO’s Statistical Capacity Assessment survey for SDG Indicators provides insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. Details on the assessment conducted by FAO in 2018/19 and the resulting country profiles can be found here.



Mali – Analysis of conflicts over natural resources

Due to the economic dominance of the agriculture sector, Mali is extremely dependent on natural resources and also vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The deterioration of ecosystems has strongly affected rural populations, resulting in a very poor performance in environmental governance. Gender inequalities are also present at all social levels and help create or exacerbate tensions between different social groups. In addition to the social tensions, the security situation in Mali is precarious due to the presence of non-state armed groups. The conflict analysis was carried out to take stock of the current situation regarding conflicts over natural [...]



Handbook - Respecting free, prior and informed consent in Mali

Respecting free, prior and informed consent is a collective right that belongs to every member of a community. This means that communities have the right to make decisions through their own freely chosen representatives and their institutions, customary or otherwise, such as local authorities and local elected officials. This accompanying guide should be used for training in free, prior and informed consent. Also available in French