Burkina Faso. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends
Burkina Faso has succeeded in achieving the Maputo Declaration target by allocating at least 10 percent of the national budget to agriculture almost every year since 2003. Most of these expenditures have been allocated to support the production of cotton, one of the country’s main exports, through input subsidies and minimum prices to producers. However, a large portion of the country’s agricultural investments as well as social safety net programmes remain heavily dependent on donor funding.
For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.
Cambodia. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends
In Cambodia, the government has given increasing priority to commercial rice production by promoting higher yield seeds and expanding irrigation and post production infrastructure. Relevant reforms have been adopted in favour of the fisheries sector. Child malnutrition remains a critical development challenge for the country despite the enhancement of nutritional policies and programmes over the past few years.
For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.
Training & e-learning
Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Agricultural Investment Programmes
This course provides the necessary knowledge to design, develop and implement agricultural projects and programmes that address the challenges of a changing climate. It is useful for professionals working in agricultural development who need to learn how to mainstream effectively climate change considerations in their projects and programmes.
Second International Conference on Nutrition. Rome Declaration on Nutrition
The second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) endorsed a political outcome document, the Rome Declaration on Nutrition. The Declaration commits countries to eradicate hunger and prevent all forms of malnutrition worldwide – particularly undernutrition in children, anaemia in women and children, among other micronutrient deficiencies – as well as reverse the trend in obesity. It aims to do this by increasing investments in food systems to improve people’s diets and nutrition.
Making Economic Corridors Work for the Agricultural Sector
Developing countries are increasingly using agrocorridors to develop their agricultural sectors. These corridors promote inclusive agribusiness growth, building on a linear agglomeration of people and activities along existing transportation infrastructure. Based on initiatives in Central Asia, the Greater Mekong Subregion, Indonesia, Mozambique, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania, this report shows how agrocorridors help improve physical connectivity and functioning of markets, while generating economies of scale in agriculture. Agrocorridors do this because they integrate public and private investments in “hardware” (transport and agribusiness infrastructure), “software” (policy and regulatory framework) and “orgware” (institutional strengthening and capacity building). The goal of [...]
La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2014 : Ouvrir l'agriculture familiale à l'innovation
Plus de 500 millions d’exploitations agricoles familiales se répartissent la plus grande partie des terres agricoles mondiales et produisent l’essentiel des denrées alimentaires. Nous avons besoin des exploitations agricoles familiales pour parvenir à la sécurité alimentaire partout dans le monde, préserver et protéger l’environnement naturel et mettre fin à la pauvreté, à la dénutrition et à la malnutrition. Ces objectifs ne seront atteints qu’à condition que les exploitations familiales deviennent beaucoup plus productives et fonctionnent davantage dans l’optique d’un développement durable; autrement dit, il faut qu’elles s’ouvrent à l’innovation, dans le cadre d’un système qui tienne compte de leur diversité [...]
Principes pour un investissement responsable dans l'agriculture et les systèmes alimentaries
Pour éliminer la faim, il est indispensable d'accroître sensiblement l'investissement agricole et, plus encore, d'améliorer la qualité de l'investissement afin qu'il bénéficie à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
Les Principes du CSA pour un investissement responsable dans l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires partent de l'idée qu'avant de définir la mesure dans laquelle l'investissement responsable dans l'agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires peut contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire et à la nutrition, il convient de reconnaître et de respecter les droits de l'homme. Cet ensemble de 10 principes encadre tout investissement agricole, quels qu'en soient le type et le volume, y [...]
Building Resilience in Protracted Crises and Natural Disasters: FAO Summary Document
Disasters and crises undermine development. Natural disasters have affected more than 2.7 billion people over the last decade. More people face hydrometeorological hazards (for example, floods, droughts, storms and wildfires) and geological hazards (for example, earthquakes and landslides) than ever before. The intensity and frequency of natural disasters is increasing, compromising sustainable development by affecting livelihoods and threatening food security and nutrition. Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture are among the most exposed and affected sectors. Existing risk reduction and management measures need to be improved and scaled up. Many countries are poorly equipped to prevent, prepare and mitigate the impacts of current extremes and risks, including [...]
The Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Cash transfer programmes in sub-Saharan Africa impact the productive activities of both beneficiary and non-beneficiary households in the communities where they are implemented. These programmes have led to an increase in agricultural activities in beneficiary households, including greater use of agricultural inputs, more land area in crop production and higher crop output. Beneficiary households have increased ownership of livestock and agricultural tools, as well as a greater tendency to participate in non-farm family enterprises. Moreover, households that receive transfers tend to reallocate their labour away from casual agricultural wage labour to household-managed economic activities. In almost all countries, cash transfers have allowed beneficiary households to avoid negative [...]
Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems Committee on World Food Security 41 Session.
The objective of the Principles is to promote responsible investment in agriculture and food systems that contribute to food security and nutrition, thus supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.
This document seeks to address the core elements of what makes investment in agriculture and food systems responsible; identify who the key stakeholders are, and their respective roles and responsibilities with respect to responsible investment in agriculture and food systems; and to serve as a framework to guide the actions of all stakeholders engaged in agriculture and food systems by defining Principles which can [...]