Mapping of territorial markets – Methodology and guidelines for participatory data collection. Methodology and guidelines for participatory data collection
Malnutrition in all its forms (undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, overweight and obesity) is a major global challenge, and improving nutrition is a key priority for global development, as recognized in the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this context, ensuring availability, physical accessibility and affordability of healthy and nutritious food at territorial level is crucial to ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In many developing countries, territorial markets are key retail outlets for fruits and vegetables, but also for animal source foods and staple foods. Besides the relevance, data concerning [...]
Issue paper
Supporting an enabling legal environment for women’s empowerment in food and agriculture
Empowerment is the “expansion of people’s ability to make strategic life choices” (Kabeer, 1999). According to the UN, women’s empowerment has five components: women’s sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally (FAO, 2017). The process of empowerment rests on enabling social conditions including social norms and legislative action [...]
The impact of improved land administration in Nicaragua
An impact evaluation of Nicaragua’s Land Administration Programme (PRODEP) finds that the programme ensured gender equality in the access to land titles, with women landholders more likely to obtain titles than men landholders. The programme also significantly increased beneficiaries’ perception of high tenure security, and title-holders were more likely to report that their land had increased its value. However, the lack of impacts in other household-level investments provides policy insights on the need of complementarity support measures for landowners.
Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems
Since 2020, the EU, FAO and CIRAD have entered into a partnership with governments and food systems actors to initiate a large-scale assessment and consultation on food systems in more than 50 countries, as a first step towards transforming them. The assessments and consultations will gather evidence and knowledge in support of the transition to more sustainable food systems, centered on four core goals, namely food security, nutrition and health, inclusive economic growth, territorial development and equity, and the environment. Country teams led by the government and supported by EU Delegations, FAO Representations and other development partners are driving the [...]
Issue paper
Agri-hire in sub-Saharan Africa. Business models for investing in sustainable mechanization
There has been a surge in the attention to sustainable agricultural mechanization for Africa. The need to support agricultural mechanization in the value chain in order to achieve agricultural and rural development is well recognized. Therefore, it is vital to address the major challenge of ensuring that business models for mechanization hire services driven by the private sector (including farmers, cooperatives, and small and medium enterprises) are not only profitable, sustainable and inclusive for smallholder farmers and vulnerable community members including women and youth, but also resilient to the effects of climate change. For a better understanding of how agricultural [...]
Issue paper
Land and labour. Agricultural workers’ tenure rights
Land and labour rights can intersect in multiple ways. Investments in large-scale plantations often entail trade-offs between job creation and compressions of land rights. Also, labour relations can involve tenure dimensions, for example where estate managers sublet plots for workers to complement wages with food production for their family or local markets. Casual or seasonal employment and limited application of labour legislation can create precarity not only in workers’ employment but also in their tenure rights, with entire families dependent upon the employment status of one individual – thus perpetuating generational labour obligations, affecting relations within the family and the [...]
FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Economic inclusion and social protection to reduce poverty. Pro-poor COVID-19 responses for an inclusive post-pandemic economic recovery
The COVID-19 pandemic is, directly and indirectly, impacting health and well-being around the globe. Illness and containment measures are compounding the social and economic disadvantages of the most vulnerable in society. These social and economic impacts stand to cause devastating setbacks to efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Pervasive inequalities between rural and urban inhabitants, rich and poor, women and men will exacerbate these effects. People in areas impacted by severe climate change, conflict, forced displacement, and migration will be even more vulnerable.Vulnerable groups include rural women, youth and children, indigenous people, the elderly, and people with [...]
Issue paper
Gender equality and livestock strategy for Europe and Central Asia 2021–2025
The gender equality and livestock strategy 2021-2025 presents the priority areas for gender mainstreaming in the REU Livestock Programme. These priorities were identified throughout a participatory process by key stakeholder in the Livestock Sector in Europe and Central Asia. The main priority areas are the following:1) Collect and analyze sex-disaggregated data in livestock in a systematic manner2) Secure vulnerable livestock farmers' access to productive resources3) Increase access of vulnerable groups to capacity development (e.g. women, refugees, internally displaced people, youth and other disadvantaged groups)Under these priority areas the strategy outlines specific objectives and outputs.
Case study
Characteristics and performance of fisheries co-management in Asia. Synthesis of knowledge and case studies: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Philippines and Sri Lanka
The overarching objective of this report was to determine, from current evidence and experiences from the region, a view of co-management application and performance. Among the findings of the review are:
(1) Co-management is associated with positive trends across a range of social, ecological and governance indicators; (2) While overall trends in co-management performance are positive, between years the outcomes experienced by fishers and community members vary substantially between positive experiences and improvements and negative experiences and declines; (3) There is substantial variation in the systems to which co-management is applied and the degrees of inclusion, agency, influence and authority of [...]
Natural hazards Food chain crisis Protracted crisis Towards durable solutions: FAO’s programming in forced displacement contexts
This brochure provides an overview of FAO’s work in forced displacement contexts. It highlights key approaches to forced displacement programming and policy, including tailored approaches to partnership and data and evidence, with a view to achieving durable solutions to forced displacement for both displaced and host communities. Examples of FAO’s work in a number of forced displacement contexts are explored, emphasizing the crucial role it is playing in protecting and rebuilding livelihoods, strengthening food security and nutrition, enhancing self-reliance and fostering inclusion, gender equality and social cohesion at a community level.