Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2007. Payer les agriculteurs pour les services environnementaux

La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2007 tente de déterminer comment l’agriculture pourrait fournir davantage de services environnementaux, en plus de la production de denrées alimentaires et de fibres. La conclusion qui s’en dégage est que la demande de services environnementaux fournis par le secteur agricole – notamment l’atténuation des effets du changement climatique, l’amélioration de la gestion des bassins versants et la préservation de la diversité biologique – continuera d’augmenter à l’avenir, et qu’il faut par conséquent prendre des mesures incitatives plus adaptées pour encourager les agriculteurs à modifi er leurs pratiques agricoles, de sorte que le secteur agricole puisse répondre à [...]

Case study


Rapid Growth of Selected Asian Economies. Lessons and Implications for Agriculture and Food Security. Synthesis Report

China’s economy has experienced remarkable growth since economic reform initiated in 1979. The rapid economic growth has been associated with unprecedented progress in poverty alleviation. Based on China’s official poverty line, the absolute level of poverty incidence fell from 33 percent in 1978 to less than 3 percent in 2004. Even based on World Bank’s US$1/day (in PPP terms) poverty line, rural poverty incidence also fell from more than 30 percent in the early 1990s to about 8 percent in 2004. While past accomplishments are impressive, there are still great challenges ahead. Income disparity rose with economic growth. There is also [...]



Decentralization of Agricultural Services. Decentralization of Input Supply and Marketing Services. EASYPol Series 015

This paper examines the main characteristics of agricultural inputs and marketing services, including factors affecting demand and supply for major categories of services, namely fertilizers and chemicals, seeds and planting materials, agricultural machinery and equipment, and crop marketing. The main sources of market failure are outlined. The conceptual framework which underpin the main approaches to decentralization of these services and key factors that need to be considered are next discussed. The importance of the regulatory role and adoption of a regulatory strategy are highlighted. Policy implications, in terms of possible options for decentralization (divestment, deconcentration, devolution and establishing partnerships), and [...]

Issue paper


Decentralization and Agricultural Development: Decentralization of Agricultural Services. EASYPol Series 013

This issue paper provides an overview of “Decentralization of Agricultural Services”. It first explains the range and importance of agricultural services; the traditional role that governments had assumed in their provision; consequences of public sector interventions; and the perceived need for institutional reform, including a reduced role for central government in service provision. It then examines the conceptual framework for policy decisions. Aspects highlighted are the economic rationale for government intervention; functional responsibilities for service provision; and challenges and risks in diversifying provision. Options for reforming agricultural services and how the reform process would need to be planned and managed [...]



Directives volontaires à l’appui de la concrétisation progressive du droit à une alimentation adéquate dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale (Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation)

Les Directives volontaires ont pour objet de donner aux États des orientations pratiques pour assurer la concrétisation progressive du droit à une alimentation adéquate dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale, de manière à atteindre les objectifs du Plan d’action du Sommet mondial de l’alimentation. Elles constituent un instrument supplémentaire pour lutter contre la faim et la pauvreté et pour accélérer la réalisation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement. Les Directives volontaires représentent la première tentative faite par des gouvernements pour interpréter un droit économique, social et culturel et recommander les mesures à prendre pour assurer sa concrétisation. De [...]



Natural Resources and Governance: Incentives for Sustainable Resource Use. Manual

The rules and enforcement mechanisms that guide and coordinate people’s behaviour have become central issues in international development cooperation. Understanding the governance framework is a precondition for successful projects and programmes also when dealing with sustainable management of natural resources. GTZ has been working in this area long before this term came to the fore. Not incidentally, governance is GTZ’s annual theme in 2004. Relative to purely technical aspects, the political and the institutional dimensions of its practical work have grown to be more and more prominent. Hence, it seems all the more important to share our experiences in governance [...]



Agricultural Development Policy. Concepts and Experiences

Agricultural Development Policy: Concepts and Experiences, prepared under the aegis of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), presents a fresh and comprehensive look at agricultural development policy. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to those issues. The text is unique in its coverage and depth, and it Cites policy experiences and applied studies in eighty countries. Develops the conceptual foundations for policies. Illustrates policies that have worked and those that have not, with explanations of why. Summarises hundreds [...]



Analysing Service Provision. Instruments for Development Cooperation Illustrated by Examples from Irrigation

The irrigation sector of development co-operation experiences considerable difficulty in delivering its services to water users on an efficient, sustainable and ecologically-sound basis. Investments have often failed to "pay off" as expected, and many newly constructed irrigation systems are under-utilized. In the first chapters, the background to the problem, definitions of the term "service", and the special features of non-commercial services are examined. Service analysis in complex organizational structures, and methods and instruments to identify and analyse the many and various services and service relationships are described. The analysis of governance modes for service provision is given in detail, and [...]
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