Issue paper
Tackling Climate Change through Livestock. A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities
As renewed international efforts are needed to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the livestock sector can contribute its part. An important emitter of greenhouse gas, it also has the potential to significantly reduce its emissions. This report provides a unique global assessment of the magnitude, the sources and pathways of emissions from different livestock production systems and supply chains. Relying on life cycle assessment, statistical analysis and scenario building, it also prov ides estimates of the sector’s mitigation potential and identifies concrete options to reduce emissions. The report is a useful resource for stakeholders from livestock producers to policy-makers, researchers and [...]
Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook
Cette sourcebook globale sur l' agriculture intelligente face au climat (CSA), produit par l'Organisation pour l' alimentation et l' agriculture, se compose de dix - huit modules couvrant tous les aspects de la planification et la mise en œuvre des politiques et des projets CSA. Destiné principalement aux pays en développement, le module d'ouverture décrit le cas pour CSA (y compris la sylviculture et de la pêche), de discuter des questions telles que la sécurité alimentaire, les systèmes résilients, et l' efficacité du système. Le sourcebook fait valoir que si nous voulons répondre à la demande croissante tout en luttant [...]
Training & e-learning
FAO Learning Module 3 on Capacity Development: Good Learning Practices
This Module is the third in a series of four that address capacity development competencies in FAO. It is intended to enhance FAO’s practices in designing, developing, delivering and evaluating its activities in support of learning in Member Countries, while ensuring that learning leads to sustainable capacity development.
Annex 2 has a list of toolboxes for users.
Policy Instruments to Promote Good Practices in Bioenergy Feedstock Production
Building on FAO’s work on good practices in agriculture and forestry, the Bioenergy and Food Security Criteria and Indicators (BEFSCI) project has compiled a set of good environmental practices that can be implemented by bioenergy feedstock producers in order to minimize the risk of negative environmental impacts from their operations, and to ensure that modern bioenergy contributes to climate change mitigation while safeguarding and possibly fostering food security.
BEFSCI has also compiled a set of good socio-economic practices that can help minimize the risks and increase the opportunities for food security associated with bioenergy operations.
BEFSCI has identified a range of policy instruments that [...]
Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Agricultural Investment Programmes. A Guidance Document
This best practices guidance document is intended to help development professionals and government officials who are involved in agricultural and rural development investment operations to mainstream climate change considerations in programme identification, design and supervision.
The link between food security, rural livelihoods and climate change is well recognized, and the idea of mainstreaming climate change into agricultural and rural development investment programmes has become increasingly important. This publication provides practitioners with pertinent information from FAO and external sources, as well as options and good practices on rapid assessments, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and disaster risk reduction.
Faire plus avec moins de moyens: l’intensification durable de l’agriculture
L’intensification durable consiste à augmenter la productivité et à améliorer l’efficacité de l’utilisation des ressources, dans un contexte de vive concurrence pour exploiter une base de ressources naturelles qui se dégrade. Des gains d’efficience peuvent être obtenus en établissant des liens «intelligents» entre les utilisateurs de ressources et en augmentant l’utilisation de flux de nutriments dans les systèmes agricoles intégrés; en rehaussant la qualité des aliments pour animaux et en équilibrant les régimes alimentaires; en améliorant la consommation d’énergie tout au long de la chaîne de valeur; et en utilisant des technologies de l’information et de la communication afin d’accélérer l’adoption des innovations.
L’utilisation efficace des [...]
Issue paper
Developing a Climate-Smart Agriculture Strategy at the Country Level: Lessons from Recent Experience
Since the Global Conference on Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture held at the Hague in 2010, the concept of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has gained increasing attention at international and national levels, with several countries initiating related activities. The objective of this paper is to highlight recent experiences with country-level implementation of CSA to identify some key lessons to incorporate in ongoing efforts to expand the use of the approach in developing countries. Examples are presented from Malawi, Zambia, and Vietnam on the issues discussed, and how to use the evidence base to inform investment options and policy actions.
Section 1 describes the evolution of the concept [...]
Issue paper
Development and development paradigms: A (reasoned) review of prevailing visions. EASYPol Series 102
This paper sketches prevailing development paradigms, i.e. the definition of modalities to achieve development, based on either a codified set of activities and/or based on a vision regarding the functioning and evolution of a socio-economic system.
The exercise intends to contribute to the interpretation of recent past and ongoing development processes and policies and to support the exploration of alternative development paradigms to address emerging and future development issues.
This paper is part of the FAO Policy series: EASYPol-Resources for policy making (in agriculture, rural development and food security). To find other EASYPol series' resources, go to the Policy Support and Governance [...]
The Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
The Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was adopted by the FAO Council at its 143rd Session in 2011. It updates the Global Plan of Action for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources which was adopted at the Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources held in Leipzig in 1996.
The Second Global Plan of Action addresses new challenges, such as climate change and food insecurity, as well as novel opportunities, including information, communication and molecular methodologies. It contains 18 priority activities organized in four main groups: In situ conservation and [...]
The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture. Managing Systems at Risk
The State of Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) is FAO's first flagship publication on the global status of land and water resources. It is an 'advocacy' report, to be published every 3 to 5 years, and targeted at senior level decision makers in agriculture as well as in other sectors. SOLAW is aimed at sensitizing its target audience on the status of land resources at global and regional levels and FAO's viewpoint on appropriate recommendations for policy formulation. SOLAW focuses on these key dimensions of analysis: (i) quantity, quality of land and water resources (ii) the rate of use and [...]