Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Voluntary guidelines to support the integration of genetic diversity into national climate change adaptation planning

The guidelines take account of the characteristics of different genetic resources for food and agriculture which face different challenges and opportunities in respect to climate change. The objectives of the guidelines are to promote the use of genetic resources for food and agriculture in climate change adaptation and support their integration into national climate change adaptation planning; to support the genetic resources experts and those involved in climate change adaptation to identify a nd address the challenges and opportunities of genetic resources for food and agriculture in adaptation; and to promote the involvement of genetic resources stakeholders in the national [...]



Voluntary Guide for National Seed Policy Formulation

The availability of, and access to, quality seeds of a diverse range of adapted crop varieties is essential for achieving food and livelihood security and for eradicating hunger, especially in developing countries. This guide explains what seed policies are and how they differ from seed laws; describes the participatory process of seed policy formulation; the nature and layout of seed policy documents; key elements contained in seed policies; and addresses issues involved in their implementation. It is specifically intended for use by policymakers, national seed agencies, civil society, and public and private sector organizations, including national seed associations and farmers’ [...]



The Second Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The report provides a comprehensive assessment of livestock biodiversity and its management. It sets out the latest available information on: The state of livestock diversity Trends in the livestock sector The state of capacity to manage animal genetic resources The state of the art in animal genetic resources management Gaps and needs in animal genetic resources management By the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.



Plan d'action mondial pour la conservation, l'utilisation durable et la mise en valeur des ressources génétiques forestières

Les ressources génétiques forestières (RGF) sont les matériaux transmissibles entretenus au sein des espèces d’arbres et de plantes ligneuses ou entre ces espèces, qui possèdent une valeur économique, environnementale, scientifique ou sociétale actuelle ou potentielle. Alors qu’elles jouent un rôle crucial dans l’adaptation et la protection de nos écosystèmes, de nos paysages et de nos systèmes de production, elles sont soumises à des pressions croissantes et font l’objet d’une exploitation non viable. Ce Plan d’action mondial définit 27 priorités stratégiques regroupées en quatre domaines: 1) amélioration de la disponibilité de l’information sur les RGF et de l’accès à celle-ci; 2) conservation [...]



The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources

The publication was prepared based on information provided by 86 countries, outcomes from regional and subregional consultations and commissioned thematic studies. It includes: an overview of definitions and concepts related to Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) and a review of their value; a description of the main drivers of changes; the presentation of key emerging technologies; an analysis of the current status of FGR conservation, use and related developments; recommendations addressing the challenges and needs. By the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.



Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook

Cette sourcebook globale sur l' agriculture intelligente face au climat (CSA), produit par l'Organisation pour l' alimentation et l' agriculture, se compose de dix - huit modules couvrant tous les aspects de la planification et la mise en œuvre des politiques et des projets CSA.  Destiné principalement aux pays en développement, le module d'ouverture décrit le cas pour CSA (y compris la sylviculture et de la pêche), de discuter des questions telles que la sécurité alimentaire, les systèmes résilients, et l' efficacité du système. Le sourcebook fait valoir que si nous voulons répondre à la demande croissante tout en luttant [...]



The Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was adopted by the FAO Council at its 143rd Session in 2011. It updates the Global Plan of Action for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources which was adopted at the Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources held in Leipzig in 1996. The Second Global Plan of Action addresses new challenges, such as climate change and food insecurity, as well as novel opportunities, including information, communication and molecular methodologies. It contains 18 priority activities organized in four main groups: In situ conservation and [...]



The Second Report on The State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

This report describes the current status of the conservation and use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) throughout the world. It is based on country reports, information gathering processes, regional syntheses, thematic background studies and published scientific literature. It describes the most significant changes that have taken place since the first SoW report was published in 1998 and describes major continuing gaps and needs. The structure follows that of the first SoW report with an additional chapter on the contribution of PGRFA to food security and sustainable agricultural development. By the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food [...]



Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources and the Interlaken Declaration

Sustainable use, development and conservation of the world’s livestock genetic resources are of vital importance to agriculture, food production, rural development and the environment. In recognition of the need to develop an effective framework for the management of these resources and to address the threat of genetic erosion, 109 countries came together in September 2007 at the first International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture held in Interlaken, Switzerland. The Conference adopted the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources – which includes 23 strategic priorities for action to promote the wise management of these [...]
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