Recommandations clés pour améliorer la nutrition à travers l'agriculture
Les systèmes alimentaires répondent aux besoins nutritionnels de tous, tout en contribuant à la croissance économique. Le secteur agro-alimentaire a pour vocation première de nourrir convenablement les individus en améliorant la disponibilité, l’accès et la consommation d’aliments variés, sûrs et nutritifs, en ligne avec,les recommandations alimentaires et les critères de durabilité environnementale. L’application de ces principes permet de renforcer la résilience et contribue au développement durable.
La situation des marchés des produits agricoles 2015–16. La situation des marchés des produits agricoles: Commerce et sécurité alimentaire: trouver un meilleur équilibre entre les priorités nationales et le bien commun
L’objectif de cette édition de La situation des marchés des produits agricoles est d’atténuer la polarisation actuelle des points de vue sur les impacts qu’a le commerce des produits agricoles sur la sécurité alimentaire, et sur la manière dont le commerce agricole devrait être régi de sorte qu’une ouverture accrue aux échanges profite à tous les pays. En donnant des éléments concrets et des éclaircissements sur une gamme de sujets, le présent rapport vise à contribuer à un débat plus éclairé sur les choix de politique et à dresser l’inventaire des améliorations qu’il faut apporter dans les processus politiques au [...]
Understanding Decent Rural Employment. Factsheet
FAO defines Decent Rural Employment (DRE) as work that provides a living income and reasonable working conditions. Work should be remunerative and dignified and should enable people to provide for themselves and their families. Workers should be able to perform their tasks under safe conditions and have voice in the work place. Being central to its mission, FAO actively supports countries to promote decent employment in rural areas. This fact sheet breaks down the definition of DRE and presents it in a easy-to-understand format.
Issue paper
The impact of disasters on agriculture and food security
This study assesses the impact of medium to large scale natural hazards and disasters on the agriculture sector and subsectors in developing countries between 2003 and 2013, focusing on direct physical damage and indirect economic losses.
The findings of the study are expected to support national and international efforts to reduce damage and losses caused by disasters and strengthen the resilience of the agriculture sector, in line with resilience targets set under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Agreement.
Rural and Agricultural Finance and Investment Brief. Agro-Industries Brief
Persistent underinvestment in agriculture in developing countries can be attributed to many issues including: climate risks, fragmented input and service markets, seasonal and long-term financing requirements, weak property rights, and market-distorting political interventions. However, the rapid rise in world demand for agricultural products provides incentives for local actors to develop innovative financial and risk management mechanisms. Commercial investors are starting to recognize agribusiness as a promising sector because of the upwards trend in food markets. As most commercial investors focus solely on financial returns, public incentives and support are required to make investments more inclusive and to create business linkages [...]
Data and statistics
Agriculture and Food Security Statistics of the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
In a similar but wider scope than the previous special issue produced in 2011 during the 4th UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-IV), this updated Special Issue of Agriculture and Food Security Statistics now includes information not only for of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), but also for all Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The current issue presents a compilation of up-to-date available agricultural statistics covering th e general nature of the agricultural sector in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS ranging across the crops, livestock, forest and fisheries sub-sectors. Basic data and indicators covering [...]
Youth and Livestock in Africa
Youth un- and under-employment are critical issues facing Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In spite of urbanisation and industrialisation, agriculture remains the principal employer and producer throughout SSA. Thus, a more modern and profitable agriculture sector (including aquaculture fisheries, forestry and livestock) is required to generate much needed decent employment opportunities for the Continent’s youth.
Guatemala. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends.
Attempts have been made to institutionalize government programmes in favour of long-term and comprehensive strategies: notably, the introduction and reinforcement of conditional cash transfer programmes and free food distribution systems. Input distributions continue to be the main policy instrument to support farmers.
Brazil. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends.
In Brazil, the government has successfully adopted an integrated approach for combating malnutrition and hunger. Under the well-known Zero Hunger strategy (“Fome Zero”) and subsequent Brazil Without Misery plan (“Brasil Sem Miséria”), innovative social programmes were launched to target more poor women and children.
Issue paper
Countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States: Agricultural Policy Issues in the Context of the World Trade Organization
With the disintegration of the Soviet Union 15 new countries entered the world stage. The CIS countries are very different in size, economic structure and agricultural profile. The same is true even for the smaller group of seven CIS countries that are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). By late 2013 seven of the twelve non-Baltic ex-Soviet countries had acceded to the WTO: Armenia, Georgia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Tajikistan. Four others were in the process of WTO accession: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Turkmenistan had started to prepare for an eventual accession process.
This publication examines the experience and main issues of twelve [...]