Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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National agricultural census operations and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is also affecting agricultural census activities. Currently, 62 countries are preparing (45 countries) or have conducted (17 countries) censuses of agriculture in the WCA 2020 round. A rapid appraisal and informal consultations with national agricultural census authorities reveal that some 34 countries reported delays or suspension of several census activities. Countries that have started or were about to start fieldwork and census enumeration have put these activities on hold until the crisis is over. Most countries agreed that the full impact on the preparation and implementation of national censuses will depend on the evolution of the crisis.



Food security through rural development. FAO Legislative Advisory Group in the Philippines (FLAG-PH)

The brief outlines FLAGPH's and the Philippines Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department (CPBRD) collaborative efforts to undertake knowledge exchange sessions that can provide relevant inputs to the preparation of a legislative agenda towards sustained rural development and agricultural growth.



Evaluation of FAO’s Asia regional integrated pest management and pesticide risk reduction programme in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Chemical production, use and disposal will continue to increase worldwide; assessments and forecasts predict that global chemical sales will grow by about 3 percent per year until 2050, the major part of which will take place in Asia. South-East Asian countries in particular have shown strong industrial growth in agriculture during the last two decades. Many countries in Southeast Asia lack the capacity to handle chemicals management issues and are in great need to develop institutions, legislation, knowledge and general awareness. The countries face many challenges in the area of chemicals management, in particular pesticide governance. The intensive and often [...]



Trade policy & partnerships

Trade in most agricultural commodities is expected to expand, trade rules are becoming more complex and some countries are using trade instruments in times of food crises to guarantee food supplies for their own people. Trade policy can have significant implications for food security, nutrition and employment. Given this, FAO will continue to support its Members in capacity development. This will be aimed at enhancing market transparency, exports and agricultural and food systems, via better aligned trade and agricultural policies. FAO also promotes sustainable production and trade by facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural value chains. It supports the World Banana [...]

Issue paper


Emploi rural des jeunes et systèmes agroalimentaires au Sénégal. Analyse rapide du contexte

Cette analyse du contexte donne un aperçu du Sénégal, décrivant les défis, les politiques et les programmes d’emploi des jeunes en place ainsi que les priorités de la FAO en matière d’emploi décent pour les jeunes des zones rurales. Enfin, il analyse également les tendances et dynamiques migratoires du pays. Près de 88% des 1,2 milliard de jeunes du monde vivent dans des pays en développement. À l'échelle mondiale, les jeunes représentent environ 24% des travailleurs pauvres. Bien que la population mondiale de jeunes est censée augmenter, les possibilités d’emploi et d’entreprenariat pour les jeunes femmes et hommes restent limitées - [...]

Training & e-learning


Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture

This course analyses climate change impacts on agriculture, food security and food systems and provides an overview of the main climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. It also introduces the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach and describes the 5-step process to implement it.  Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours Publication Date: November 2018 AudienceThis course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective, but is written for the general public. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include: Policy makers Development practitioners and programme managers Sectoral specialists and academics Trainers and extension agents ContentThe course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 25 minutes duration each: Lesson 1 [...]



Guidelines for micro-finance and credit services in support of small-scale fisheries in Asia

The purpose of these guidelines is fourfold: (i) Increase awareness about the financial service needs of small-scale fishers (SSF) for more sustainable and inclusive access to finance; (ii) Guide policy and decision makers in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere, to help introduce and incentivize financial services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to encourage investment in the industry and by doing so influence and strengthen sustainability, ecological and economic viability of these fisheries; (iii) Build capacity among financial service providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement financial service products and programmes that suit the [...]



The Programme Clinic: Designing conflict-sensitive interventions - Approaches to working in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Facilitation guide

In 2018 FAO approved its Corporate Framework to Support Sustainable Peace in the Context of Agenda 2030, committing FAO to a more deliberate and transformative impact on sustaining peace, within the scope of its mandate. The foundational element for FAO supported interventions to - at a minimum - do no harm, or to identify where they may contribute to sustaining peace, is to understand contextual dynamics and how they could interact with a proposed intervention. This is essentially what conflict-sensitive programming means. The Programme Clinic Facilitation Guide is a key step in operationalising this, being a structured participatory analysis designed to [...]

Case study


The quest for zero hunger: Stories from Africa

Without rapid progress in reducing and eliminating hunger and malnutrition by 2030, the full range of Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved. We can advance faster if we work together. In its quest to achieve a Zero Hunger world, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) works in partnership with communities, governments, and organizations across Africa to address malnutrition, boost the productivity and resilience of small-scale farmers, share knowledge about innovative farming practices, and build sustainable food systems. FAO’s bold approach focuses on empowering women and employing youth, providing them with the skills and resources (land, capital, emerging technology) they need [...]

Training & e-learning


Migration and protracted crisis

The focus of this one-lesson e-learning course is on forced migration due to protracted crisis situations, including both natural or human-made disasters, and conflict. Forced migration is a sub-category or type of migration. It is distinguished by the presence of coercion or a lack of voluntariness. Users will be able to learn about:  Key concepts and characteristics of migration, forced migration and protracted crisis, categories of migrants The drivers and impacts of forced migration in situations of protracted crisis How forced migration is relevant to FAO’s mandate and strategic objectives, and how FAO works programmatically through the forced migration cycle How forced migration considerations [...]