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Case study


Climate-smart policies to enhance Egypt's agrifood system performance and sustainability

Highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, heat waves in Egypt are increasingly severe and frequent, raising the already high evaporation rate, accelerating crop transpiration, increasing soil aridity and elevating water requirements for both human and agricultural consumption in a country where water is imported. The forecasted spike in rainfall variability will affect flow of the Nile River, increasing both drought and high-flow years. While Egypt must produce more food for its rapidly growing population and confront high levels of child malnutrition, agricultural performance is slowing due to inefficient use of land, labour, water and energy along with environmental [...]



Agrifood solutions to climate change - FAO's work to tackle the climate crisis

Amid a worsening climate crisis and slow progress in cutting greenhouse gases, sustainable agrifood systems practices can help countries and communities to adapt, build resilience and mitigate emissions, ensuring food security and nutrition for a growing global population. FAO is working with countries and partners from government to community level to simultaneously address the challenges of food security, climate change and biodiversity loss. But none of this will ultimately succeed unless the world commits to a significant increase in the quality and quantity of climate finance.



The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2023 - Avoiding and reducing losses through investment in resilience

Disasters are resulting in unprecedented levels of destruction across the world. These shocks and disruptions affect the functioning and sustainability of agricultural production and threaten the livelihoods of millions of people reliant on agrifood systems. Reducing the impact of disasters in agriculture requires a better understanding of the extent to which these events produce negative impacts in agriculture and necessitates an investigation into the underlying risks that make agriculture vulnerable to the effects of disasters. The FAO flagship report on ‘The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security’ provides a timely and comprehensive overview of how disasters are affecting agriculture and [...]



Les eaux non conventionnelles pour le développement agricole dans les pays de l’Afrique du Nord. Vers le déblocage du potentiel des eaux usées traitées et des eaux de drainage agricole

En se basant sur un des messages clés de La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture (SOFA) 2020 - «Investir dans les sources d’eau non conventionnelles, notamment la réutilisation de l’eau ou le dessalement, est une stratégie de plus en plus importante face à la rareté de l’eau» - le bureau sous-régional de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture pour l’Afrique du Nord (FAO-SNE) et l’Union du Maghreb arabe (UMA) continuent à améliorer les connaissances et les compétences sur la réutilisation saine et durable des eaux non conventionnelles. Ils fournissent aux pays du Maghreb des informations et [...]



Developing sustainable and resilient agrifood value chains in conflict-prone and conflict-affected contexts. Practitioner guidelines for selection, analysis and design

Agrifood systems in the Near East and North Africa are characterized by increasingly degraded natural resources and vulnerability to climate change, rapid population growth and protracted crises. In addition, the region has been affected by conflict that has further exposed the fragilities and worsened the challenges already faced by communities.   Conflict negatively affects the poverty rate, the economic capacity and functioning of agrifood value chains and people’s ability to produce, distribute and access food. In volatile operating environments, resources, government spending and private investment are frequently diverted or reduced, with lasting impact on agri-food value chains and consequently nutrition and food [...]

Issue paper


In Brief: Indigenous Peoples' food systems. Insights on sustainability and resilience from the front line of climate change

This publication provides an overview of the common and unique sustainability elements of Indigenous Peoples' food systems, in terms of natural resource management, access to the market, diet diversity, Indigenous Peoples’ governance systems, and links to traditional knowledge and Indigenous Peoples' languages. While enhancing the learning on Indigenous Peoples' food systems, it will raise awareness on the need to enhance the protection of Indigenous Peoples' food systems as a source of livelihood for the 476 million Indigenous inhabitants in the world, while contributing to the Zero Hunger Goal. In addition, the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025) and the UN [...]

Issue paper


Managing water scarcity in Asia and the Pacific - A summary: Trends, experiences and recommendations for a resilient future

In the Asia–Pacific region, water resources form the basis of agrarian prosperity and economic development. However, increasing water demand due to population growth, rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, and a changing climate undermine those water resources. Like many parts of the world, Asia–Pacific faces increasing water scarcity, with varying characteristics, causes and trends across a diverse range of countries at different stages of development. Understanding of the spatial and temporal differences in water scarcity across the region is, however, limited, and while policies and management strategies are under development in all countries, their effectiveness varies significantly. Responses to water scarcity are often [...]



Guidelines to increase the resilience of agricultural supply chains

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and agriculture have been felt all over the world. As the pandemic unfolded, considerable attention began to be paid to the resilience of agricultural supply chains to COVID-19-related shocks, as well as to natural and human-induced shocks more generally. These "Guidelines to increase the resilience of agricultural supply chains" are intended for policymakers and other stakeholders who need a broad grasp of the concepts, issues and possible approaches involved. Efforts to strengthen resilience to risks need to be based on a thorough analysis of the exposure and vulnerability of supply chains to them, [...]



Акцент на управлении для повышения эффективности поддержки в области политики и технической помощи

На достижение ЦУР осталось восемь лет. Для обеспечения устойчивости, жизнестойкости, продовольственной безопасности и питания в мире, пережившем COVID, настоятельно необходимо преобразование агропродовольственных систем. Это желаемое преобразование может быть достигнуто только путем укрепления и эффективного использования знаний, опыта, навыков и возможностей для коллективных действий широкого круга государственных и частных субъектов, каждый из которых имеет свои интересы, потребности, ресурсы, влияние и возможности. Эта многокомпонентная способность к эффективным и всеохватным коллективным действиям на всех уровнях называется управлением. Во многих страновых контекстах к разрыву между ожиданиями от политики и ее результатами на местах приводят именно узкие места в управлении. Например, та или иная политическая мера может [...]

Issue paper


Resilience to food insecurity and gender differential decomposition in the Gambia. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 23-02

The analysis of household resilience to food insecurity has become a key technical and evidence-based policy instrument for better tailoring development and humanitarian intervention designs. International development agencies must strengthen the capacity of vulnerable households to anticipate, cope with and adapt to shocks and stressors. Despite the humanitarian and development scope of household resilience strengthening, most resilience academic research and policies focused on protracted crises countries. Moreover, too little attention has been paid to in-depth gender inequality analysis in household resilience to food insecurity, and household food security. This paper aims to (i) analyse the key drivers of household resilience [...]
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