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Issue paper


Politiques et interventions pour soutenir des investissements durables dans la chaîne de valeur oignon au Niger. Projet AgrInvest-Systèmes Alimentaires

Cette note de recommandations pour des politiques publiques au Niger a été élaborée dans le cadre du projet AgrInvest-Systèmes Alimentaires «favoriser l’investissement efficace et inclusif du secteur privé dans les systèmes agroalimentaires». L’objectif de la présente note est de formuler des propositions de politiques publiques facilitant les investissements durables dans la filière oignon au Niger. La note vise aussi à identifier des stratégies pour l’engagement de plusieurs parties prenantes dans la mise en œuvre de ces interventions.

Issue paper


Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies. Framework for analysis and action

At a global level there is increasing recognition of the role that fisheries policies and social protection can jointly play in combating poverty and hunger, whilst simultaneously promoting sustainable natural resources management. Efforts are being made at the country level to bring together these two domains, but more needs to be done. For fisheries-dependent communities, the full range of benefits derived from greater coherence between fisheries policies and social protection is not yet widely understood; nor are the means through which improved coherence can be promoted. This Framework for analysis and action seeks to fill these knowledge gaps. By drawing from [...]



Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies. Diagnostic tool

This Diagnostic tool is complementary to the Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 671/1, titled Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies: Framework for Analysis and Action, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It provides practical instruments for assessing the level of coherence between fisheries and social protection policies and programmes within a country. It supports users in identifying and mapping the scope and nature of links between the two sectors, as well as in understanding people’s experiences and perceptions of these synergies and how the synergies (or lack thereof) affect the livelihoods of fisheries-dependent communities. [...]

Issue paper


A global review of COVID-19 policy and programmatic responses to child labour in agrifood systems

This review aims to look into the consequences of (1) the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures put in place to mitigate the spread of the pandemic and (2) the policies and programmatic responses to mitigate socio-economic consequences of the pandemic and how they have potentially interacted with child labour drivers, especially in agrifood systems. Thus, this review aims to document and spell out how policy and programmatic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular social protection measures, have the potential to prevent or contain an increase of child labour in agriculture at large.



Gene editing in aquaculture

The document is a brief of a specific aquaculture innovation. It contains information on the technique and approach used, scope and scale of application, accessibility and the outcome and benefits of the innovation.Gene editing holds significant potential to enhance selective breeding. While selective breeding has been successful, it is limited by the heritability of the trait. Gene editing also prevents interbreeding with wild fish should they escape from a farm and offers the potential for improved growth rates. Current studies into gene-editing cover a wide range of aquatic species – including various salmonids, rohu, grass carp, common carp, channel catfish, [...]



Invertir prioritariamente en la agricultura paraguaya es vital para la recuperación

Los hallazgos reportados en esta nota han sido adaptados a partir del Estudio Técnico de Economía del Desarrollo Agrícola de la FAO "Inversión pública productiva en la agricultura para la recuperación económica con bienestar rural: un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay".Este estudio presenta escenarios prospectivos que proporcionan información sobre dónde, dentro de la agricultura paraguaya, se deberían priorizar los pocos recursos de inversión pública que se destinarían al sector.Una nueva inversión pública equivalente a 0,25% del PIB en el período 2023-2025 (1 798 000 millones de guaraníes de 2014), financiada con endeudamiento externo, le aportaría a la recuperación económica. [...]

Issue paper


Inversión pública productiva en la agricultura para la recuperación económica con bienestar rural: un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay

Paraguay mostró un crecimiento económico importante entre el 2010 y el 2019, a pesar de cierta contracción en el 2019, en el cual la agricultura contribuyó significativamente. Las proyecciones apuntan a una recuperación económica desde el año 2021, pero surge la pregunta de cuáles podrían ser los motores del nuevo crecimiento.Las carencias de la agricultura, principalmente en la agricultura familiar campesina, son preocupantes. Falta nueva inversión en infraestructura productiva, asistencia técnica, tecnología, créditos y acceso a insumos e implementos modernos. La inversión pública no solo ha sido reducida, sino que pareciera que la agricultura no entra notablemente en los planes [...]

Issue paper


Lebanon’s agrifood system in times of turbulence: obstacles and opportunities

Lebanon currently faces one of the worst economic crises of this century. The political deadlock, the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have further intensified the country’s existing economic fragility. Based on preliminary estimates, it is expected that the total cultivated area (mainly temporary crops and crops under greenhouses) will decrease during the 2021–2022 agricultural season due to the expected further increase in prices of inputs and soaring fuel prices. Overall, farmers will tend to shift to low-cost and less water demanding crops to reduce their overall production costs. Farmgate prices for agricultural products are also on the rise with [...]



Sustaining school enrolment when rains fail. Evidence from Malawi

Emerging evidence suggests that rural children, particularly older girls in low-income countries, are at risk of being withdrawn from school when weather-related disasters occur. Identifying actions that mitigate the adverse effects of weather shocks on school enrolment, therefore, is critical for sustaining equitable human capital formation in the context of climate change. In this paper, we use four waves of household and community panel survey data, merged with long-term, spatially explicit rainfall data to investigate whether access to school feeding programmes (SFP) in Malawi supports primary school enrolment when weather shocks occur.



Cash transfers and women's economic inclusion

This is the policy brief of a paper that investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme in Zambia fosters economic inclusion among rural women.