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Right to Food Handbooks

The “Right to Food Handbook” series is a collection of 10 publications, prepared in collaboration with PROSALUS, based on the different volumes of the Right to Food Methodological Toolbox.  Each publication provides practical information and guidance on how to implement the right to food and apply human rights-based approaches to key areas of work, namely, legislation, monitoring, assessment, budget and education.   



Youth and Livestock in Africa

Youth un- and under-employment are critical issues facing Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In spite of urbanisation and industrialisation, agriculture remains the principal employer and producer throughout SSA. Thus, a more modern and profitable agriculture sector (including aquaculture fisheries, forestry and livestock) is required to generate much needed decent employment opportunities for the Continent’s youth. 



Youth and aquaculture in Africa

Infographic: Youth un- and under-employment are critical issues facing Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In spite of urbanisation and industrialisation, agriculture remains the principal employer and producer throughout SSA. Thus, a more modern and profitable agriculture sector (including aquaculture, fisheries, forestry and livestock) is required to generate much needed decent employment opportunities for the Continent’s youth.



Decent rural employment toolbox: Tool for conducting a capacity needs assessment on decent rural employment at country level

This tool has been designed as a way to provide comprehensive policy support to governments and development partners in the context of FAO’s Integrated Country Approach for promoting Decent Rural Employment (DRE). 



Decent rural employment Toolbox: Applied Definition of DRE

The purpose of the applied definition is to equip professionals involved in DRE (Decent Rural Employment) promotion with an applied concept which is precise enough to guide the mainstreaming, policy support and measurement of DRE within the frame of agricultural and rural development interventions. 

Issue paper


Women’s resilience to food price volatility: A policy response

In a high and volatile food price setting, two aspects determine rural women’s  ability to absorb and respond to shocks: the inequalities that create a gender gap in rural development and women’s traditional roles in society and the  household. This discussion paper points to these two aspects that, in general  terms, reduce women’s ability to cope with food price volatility. Rural women,  traditionally responsible for providing food and health in the household, face major  constraints in fulfilling their roles, rendering them more vulnerable to food price spikes. Major recommendations include building on rural women’s resiliency and mitigating negative coping strategies [...]



Guatemala. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends.

Attempts have been made to institutionalize government programmes in favour of long-term and comprehensive strategies: notably, the introduction and reinforcement of conditional cash transfer programmes and free food distribution systems. Input distributions continue to be the main policy instrument to support farmers.



Brazil. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends.

In Brazil, the government has successfully adopted an integrated approach for combating malnutrition and hunger. Under the well-known Zero Hunger strategy (“Fome Zero”) and subsequent Brazil Without Misery plan (“Brasil Sem Miséria”), innovative social programmes were launched to target more poor women and children. 



Ethopia. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Innovative and integrated actions to modernize and facilitate the transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture are foremost on Ethiopia’s agenda. Initiatives to address soil depletion with the end goal of sustainably increasing productivity, building resilience in efforts to promote food sufficiency of vulnerable households, and tapping livestock sector potential to generate foreign exchange, are just three of the key policy trends that have emerged over the 2007─2013 period in Ethiopia. For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.



Burkina Faso. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Burkina Faso has succeeded in achieving the Maputo Declaration target by allocating at least 10 percent of the national budget to agriculture almost every year since 2003. Most of these expenditures have been allocated to support the production of cotton, one of the country’s main exports, through input subsidies and minimum prices to producers. However, a large portion of the country’s agricultural investments as well as social safety net programmes remain heavily dependent on donor funding. For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.