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GeoTech4Tenure - Technical guide on combining geospatial technology and participatory methods for securing tenure rights

In line with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT), public and private investments globally are increasingly recognising responsible land governance as a determinant for the success and sustainability of their achievements. Investment managers understand that preventing and mitigating tenure related issues is a necessary step to achieve their objectives. While a wide range of tools, community-based participatory approaches, and technologies are available to help clarify, protect and secure tenure rights, navigating this landscape requires expertise which is often not available to investment projects. This guide provides readers with a basic understanding of the functional linkages between [...]



Ex-Ante Carbon balance Tool

This document presents the methodology used to build the EX-Ante Carbon Balance Tool version 9 (EX-ACT). It describes in detail the main logic behind the tool, the tool structure, and the underlying equations and parameters used to calculate the carbon balance. EX-ACT is a land-use-based accounting system developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to evaluate the effects of the interventions in agriculture on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon stock changes expressed as carbon balance. The carbon balance comprises changes in GHG emissions and carbon stock changes in the five quantifiable carbon pools: above-ground [...]



The State of the World’s Forests 2022

The 2022 edition of The State of the World’s Forests explores the potential of three forest pathways for achieving green recovery and tackling environmental crises, including climate change and biodiversity loss against the backdrop of the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use and the pledge of 140 countries to eliminate forest loss by 2030 and to support restoration and sustainable production and consumption.The three interrelated pathways are halting deforestation and maintaining forests; restoring degraded lands and expanding agroforestry; and sustainably using forests and building green value chains. The balanced, simultaneous pursuit of these pathways can generate sustainable economic [...]

Case study


European good practices on land banking. FAO study and recommendations

Many countries in Western Europe have a long tradition of applying land banking as part of the integrated toolbox of land management instruments. As with land consolidation, the traditional purpose of land banking has been to support agriculture and rural development by reducing land fragmentation and facilitating the enlargement of farms. In Western Europe, the objectives of land banking have developed over the last decades, and today, in several countries, the instrument is applied in a multi-purpose approach together with land consolidation. In most countries, land banking shares the objectives of land consolidation, which in addition to continued agricultural development, [...]

Issue paper


Gobernanza de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe. Innovación e inclusión para la recuperación económica y resiliencia

Los efectos de la crisis generada por la pandemia del coronavirus siguen evolucionando y golpeando con fuerza a nuestras sociedades. En el caso de América Latina y El Caribe (ALC), la tenencia de la tierra se encuentra en el corazón de su desarrollo; este tema como ningún otro ha provocado guerras, desplazamientos, conflictos sociales, corrupción, hambre y pobreza. Particularmente, la extrema desigualdad en el acceso y control de la tierra es uno de los grandes problemas sin resolver en ALC; es al mismo tiempo causa y consecuencia de estructuras sociales enormemente polarizadas que han alimentado y siguen alimentando las crisis políticas [...]



EX-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT), version 9

The Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) is an appraisal system that provides estimates of the impact of agriculture and forestry development projects, programmes and policies on the carbon-balance. The carbon-balance is defined as the net balance from all greenhouse gases (GHGs) expressed in CO2 equivalent that were emitted or sequestered due to project implementation as compared with a business-as-usual scenario.  EX-ACT is a land-based accounting system, estimating emissions or sinks of CO2, as well as GHG emissions per unit of land. The tool helps project designers to prioritize project activities with benefits in economic and climate change mitigation terms. Find out more: EX-ACT Brochure YouTube-explanation [...]



Guide pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance des régimes fonciers pastoraux en Mauritanie

Ce guide en image est le fruit d’un processus participatif et inclusif de Renforcement des capacités des Comités régionaux de transhumance qui ont réuni plus de 90 participants (pasteurs/éleveurs, administration territoriales, conseils régionaux, structures techniques décentralisées des différents départements ministériels clefs, les organisations de la société civile, ainsi que les représentants de projets et les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) au niveau des Willayas pastorales). Organisées du 17 mars au 23 mars 2019 au niveau des Willayas de l’Assaba et des deux Hods, ces rencontres ont permis aux acteurs présents d’échanger, en lien avec la gouvernance des terres pastorales, sur les [...]



Состояние мировых земельных и водных ресурсов для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства: системы на пределе

Необходимость удовлетворения возросшего спроса на продовольствие оказывает серьезное давление на водные, земельные и почвенные ресурсы планеты. Сельскохозяйственный сектор должен помочь смягчить это давление и оказать содействие достижению целей в области климата и развития. Устойчивые методы ведения сельского хозяйства могут способствовать непосредственному улучшению состояния земель, почв и вод и получению экосистемных выгод, а также сокращению выбросов в атмосферу. Все это требует точной информации и существенных изменений в подходе к управлению ресурсами. Для обеспечения максимальной синергии и выработки сбалансированных решений потребуются также серьезные дополнительные усилия вне сферы управления природопользованием. Доклад "Состояние мировых земельных и водных ресурсов для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства" [...]

Case study


Nature-based solutions in agriculture The case and pathway for adoption

Food system demands have increased exponentially in recent decades and are estimated to continue growing as global populations increase and economic affluence expands. However, the very foundation of a productive system – healthy lands and soils and clean water supply – is already under immense pressure. In fact, by the most credible estimates, up to 52% of global agricultural lands are now moderately to severely degraded, with millions of hectares per year degrading to the point they are abandoned by the land manager. The loss of productive land, coupled with increased food demand, pushes agriculture to be the primary driver [...]

Issue paper


Water and agriculture. An issues note produced for the G20 Presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

This document was prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and inputs from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) as an input for the discussions of the 2020 G20 Saudi Presidency.