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Strengthening the progressive control of foot-and-mouth disease in Mozambique (Maputo and Gaza provinces): TCP/MOZ/3501

STRENGTHENING CONTROL OF FOOD-AND-MOUTH DISEASE IN MOZAMBIQUE Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) is prevalent in Mozambique and livestock farmers who entirely rely on the well-being and marketability of their animals need to be protected from severe economic losses caused by movement restrictions related to the disease. The project aimed to contribute to the development of capacities to better tackle the progressive control and eradication of FMD and help improve the animal health situation in the country. Project duration: 01/10/2014  - 01/09/2016

Case study


Governance of Food and Nutrition Security: Factors for Viability and Sustainability. Case Studies from Seven Latin American Countries

The publication will contain the following contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE GOVERNANCE OF FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SAFETY 3. KEY FACTORS FOR GOVERNANCE PROCESSES IN THE REGION. Critical general analysis on the key factors of SAN governance in LA: Legal and regulatory frameworks; National systems and local spaces for SAN governance, processes; Territorial scope; Participation of civil society and Regional Governance Instances. 4. CASE ANALYSIS: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Peru ,. Ecuador and Brazil. 5. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS. Policy recommendations, with the aim of improving the governance spaces of multisectoral SANs. 6. REFERENCES 



Promoting Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems. Guide to Assess National Regulatory Frameworks Affecting Larger‐Scale Private Investments. FAO Legal Papers No. 101

Incentives and capacities to invest responsibly are significantly affected by the presence of an enabling environment, including supporting policies, laws and institutions. Governments have requested international guidance on the kind of enabling environment needed to attract and secure responsible agricultural investments at the national level. Many other stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector, also seek guidance to design their own strategies to promote responsible investments in agriculture and food systems. While international instruments are an important reference for the CFS‐RAI, implementation and enforcement will be predominantly at the national level, through domestic policies that are aligned with supporting legislation and institutions. A legal and institutional review [...]

Data and statistics


Gender and Land Rights Database

Land is a crucial resource for poverty reduction, food security and rural development. However, men and women do not always enjoy the same rights to land. Explore the Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD). Learn more about the different factors that relate to gender inequalities embedded in land rights by exploring the country profiles, gender and land-related statistics and the recently-developed legal assessment tool (LAT). Read the Gender adn Land Rights Database brochure.



Global governance

The world is increasingly complex and interconnected. International agreement and collective action are needed more than ever before to tackle the many global problems we face. Governance is more than ever a driving concern in FAO’s work and is critical to achieving FAO’s Strategic Objectives. Michael T. Clark, Senior Coordinator of the Governance and Policy Unit, FAO Economic and Social Development Department together with Dr. Irene Hoffmann, Secretary of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture explain the importance of governance at all levels. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages on various areas of [...]



Blue growth

Pollution, illegal fishing, over-exploitation and climate change have become major threats to aquatic eco-systems. We need to change how the planet's marine and freshwater resources are managed. Lahsen Ababouch, Director of the FAO Fisheries and Agriculture Department together with Rebecca Metzner, Senior Fishery Officer explain how the Blue Growth Initiative contributes to balancing food security, economic growth, social development and the sustainable use of aquatic living resources. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to integrating all three. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP

Data and statistics


Right to Food Around the Globe

This database provides a platform where what is constitutionally committed to on the right to adequate food at the national level can be found. Member countries will find quotes of relevant articles on the right to adequate food as well as the ratification status of some key international instruments. 

Issue paper


Food security and international trade – unpacking disputed narratives

Is trade a threat or an opportunity for food security? Longstanding debates over this question remain unresolved. This is understandable when one considers that the agricultural sector serves a range of vital functions in society. This paper seeks to shed light on this debate by providing an overview of the main opposing narratives and the rationale behind them. It does not seek to advocate one viewpoint over the other. Instead, it seeks to examine the contours of the debate with a view to uncovering why it is so polarized, and how we might move beyond the current impasse in international [...]



Uganda. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Uganda is putting significant efforts toward addressing the constraints responsible for its low agricultural productivity, which affects farmers’ incomes and therefore, their food security. The biggest developments are being seen in improving the added value of its production, as well as in supporting strategic commodities such as livestock and rice. 



Burundi. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

The government of Burundi has timidly decreased State involvement in strategic value chains, with a view to open the market, enhance effectiveness, and reduce the fiscal deficit. With regards to social protection, no specific national programmes are in place, though the country joined the Scaling Up Nutrition movement in 2013 committing to tackle the alarming levels of malnutrition in the country (the highest in the region). For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.