Case study
Analyse de la gouvernance de l’eau dans la basse vallée de la Medjerda - Tunisie
En 2022, dans le cadre du projet «Efficacité, productivité et durabilité de l’eau dans la région du Proche-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord», l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a appuyé le Gouvernement tunisien dans l’analyse de la comptabilité de l’eau en combinaison avec l’analyse de la gouvernance de l’eau dans la basse vallée de la Medjerda (BVM).
La BVM a été retenue pour son importance capitale dans le système hydraulique du nord du pays. En effet, la Medjerda, principal fleuve du pays, représente l’essentiel des réserves nationales en eau de surface, irrigue 80 000 hectares de terres [...]
Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in Sri Lanka: An analysis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in selected national policy and legal instruments of Sri Lanka
Legislating for an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is complex, due to the holistic nature of EAF involving multiple factors that underpin the social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects of fisheries sustainability. These factors include ecosystems integration, risks, intersectoral collaboration, research, participatory processes, monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, among others. To assess how an EAF is being implemented through national policy and legal frameworks, FAO developed a diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through national policy and legal frameworks.
The present legal report on the EAF used the diagnostic tool to assess the alignment of selected policy and [...]
Guidelines to increase the resilience of agricultural supply chains
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and agriculture have been felt all over the world. As the pandemic unfolded, considerable attention began to be paid to the resilience of agricultural supply chains to COVID-19-related shocks, as well as to natural and human-induced shocks more generally. These "Guidelines to increase the resilience of agricultural supply chains" are intended for policymakers and other stakeholders who need a broad grasp of the concepts, issues and possible approaches involved.
Efforts to strengthen resilience to risks need to be based on a thorough analysis of the exposure and vulnerability of supply chains to them, [...]
Акцент на управлении для повышения эффективности поддержки в области политики и технической помощи
На достижение ЦУР осталось восемь лет. Для обеспечения устойчивости, жизнестойкости, продовольственной безопасности и питания в мире, пережившем COVID, настоятельно необходимо преобразование агропродовольственных систем.
Это желаемое преобразование может быть достигнуто только путем укрепления и эффективного использования знаний, опыта, навыков и возможностей для коллективных действий широкого круга государственных и частных субъектов, каждый из которых имеет свои интересы, потребности, ресурсы, влияние и возможности. Эта многокомпонентная способность к эффективным и всеохватным коллективным действиям на всех уровнях называется управлением.
Во многих страновых контекстах к разрыву между ожиданиями от политики и ее результатами на местах приводят именно узкие места в управлении. Например, та или иная политическая мера может [...]
Contribution of terrestrial animal source food to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health outcomes – An evidence and policy overview on the state of knowledge and gaps.
Diverse foods derived from livestock production systems, including grazing and pastoralist systems, and from the hunting of wild animals, provide high-quality proteins, important fatty acids and various vitamins and minerals – contributing to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health.
Livestock species are adapted to a wide range of environments, including areas that are unsuitable for crop production. Globally, more than a billion people depend on livestock value chains for their livelihoods. Small-scale livestock farmers and pastoralists make up a large proportion of livestock producers. Well integrated livestock production increases the resilience of small-scale farming systems. Livestock also provide other important [...]
Voluntary code of conduct for food loss and waste reduction
At its 26th Session in October 2018, the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG) requested FAO to take the lead to develop voluntary codes of conduct for the reduction of food loss and food waste. In response to the COAG request, FAO developed the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction, which was endorsed by the 42nd Session of the FAO Conference in June 2021.
The Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction sets out a generic framework of actions and guiding principles that should be followed to reduce food loss and waste (FLW) and support [...]
FAO and the 2030 Agenda follow-up and review. Guidance note for FAO Country and Regional Offices, January 2023
The main objective of the Guidance Note for FAO Country and Regional Offices is to support the process of re-positioning FAO as a strong member of the UN family supporting its Member States in the process of sustainable development through sustainable agrifood systems transformation, ensuring better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life for all, leaving no one behind.This Guidance Note for FAO Country Offices covers information about the importance of the follow-up and review process for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, including information about the gaps in the coverage of the Voluntary National Reviews, and [...]
Issue paper
Are Iraqi displaced farmers returning to agriculture?
In an effort to assist the Iraqi Government in addressing the challenges currently faced by the displaced farming population in their return to farming, the International Organization on Migration (IOM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have agreed to collaborate on a joint study to identify the needs of the displaced population and strategies for restarting agricultural production in conflict-affected rural areas.
The study aims to 1) identify the role that agriculture plays as a source of livelihood for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees; 2) understand the drivers, constraints and challenges confronted by displaced and [...]
Issue paper
Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in Liberia. An analysis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in selected national policy and legal instruments of Liberia
Legislating for an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is complex, due to the holistic nature of EAF involving multiple factors that underpin the social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects of fisheries sustainability. These factors include ecosystems integration, risks, inter-sectoral collaboration, research, participatory processes, monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, among others. To assess how the EAF is being implemented through national policy and legal frameworks, FAO developed A diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through national policy and legal frameworks. The present legal report on the EAF used the diagnostic tool to assess the alignment of selected policy [...]
Issue paper
Climate-smart agriculture in China. From policy to investment
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a comprehensive system that requires thorough consideration of local climate, natural environment, market demand, economic and cultural environment. FAO introduced CSA at the Hague Conference on Agricultural, Food Security and Climate Change in 2010 and has been strongly supporting it since then. The development of CSA in China contributes to reaching its carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality in China by 2060.This publication introduces China's CSA development and provides policy proposals. It contains four sections: the background and development status of China's CSA; practices and achievements of China's CSA, including analysing case studies such as [...]