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Case study


Dimitra Newsletter April 2019 – Issue #30. Special Edition, Dimitra Clubs in Action

The number of Dimitra Clubs in sub-Saharan Africa has reached 3 000, marking a milestone. This gender-transformative approach aimed at rural people’s empowerment through community mobilization has proved increasingly successful.Through this flexible approach developed by FAO, the rural communities themselves, through their decisions and actions, determine the changes that need to be made to their environment, and how to improve their livelihoods.The Dimitra Clubs’ areas of impact are many and varied. Several themes shape this special edition of the newsletter: community mobilization, gender and women’s leadership, food security and nutrition, social cohesion and peace, adaptation to climate change, rural organizations, [...]

Case study


Desafíos de la producción y comercialización de algodón orgánico en Perú . Aprendizajes de agricultores familiares de Chincha y Cañete

El estudio “Desafíos de la producción y comercialización de algodón orgánico en Perú: Aprendizajes de agricultores familiares de Chincha y Cañete” presenta la experiencia que duró casi una década, del 2000 al 2009, de un grupo de agricultores familiares, productores de algodón de los valles de Cañete y Chincha, ubicados en la costa central de Perú, que se embarcaron en una iniciativa de hacer la transición del sistema convencional al sistema orgánico de producción de algodón. El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido identificar los aprendizajes sacados de esta experiencia desde la perspectiva de los propios agricultores que de [...]

Case study


Deconstructing the gender gap in rural financial inclusion. The cases of Mozambique and Tanzania

In recent years, along with the growing recognition of the rural gender gap in financial access as a key constraint to rural development, research has focused increasingly more towards analysing in depth the financial habits and patterns followed by women in rural areas, in order to produce observations and insights that could foster a more gender-sensitive policy approach towards financial inclusion.In line with this trend, this paper sets to explore the financial habits and constraints of rural women in two Sub-Saharan African countries (Mozambique, Tanzania), both at country and village level, with the objective of answering how, and why, they [...]

Issue paper


Addressing gender inequalities to build resilience. Stocktaking of good practices in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Strategic Objective 5

Risings, conflicts and disasters around the world, and the negative impacts on lives and properties, are drawing attention to the need to increase the resilience of vulnerable rural communities and their livelihood sources from agriculture and rural areas. Protection from sexual and gender-based violence is also an area of work that merits special attention particularly in areas of protracted crises.This report documents some good practices and lessons learned from around the world with a specific focus on emergency and humanitarian situations. It highlights a few successful FAO’s interventions on resilience building and gender mainstreaming.The information in this report can be [...]



Food system policy priorities and programmatic actions for healthy diets in the context of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created supply and demand shocks in the food systems, disproportionately affecting the poor and nutritionally vulnerable groups. A possible economic slowdown further compounds challenges faced by governments in tackling malnutrition in all its forms.This brief presents policy and programmatic actions adopted by countries and development partners to ensure that food and agriculture responses promote healthy diets and improve nutrition. Furthermore, this brief explains supply and demand measures, taken from recent worldwide good practices. See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19

Training & e-learning


Governing land for women and men

This fact sheet describes the course that explains the importance to take into account gender and social issues when dealing with land tenure, and what actions must be adopted so that women and men from different social groups can equally participate in and benefit from land tenure governance processes.



Simulating rising undernourishment during the COVID-19 pandemic economic downturn

This technical note describes the methodology and data used to obtain estimates of rising undernourishment, under three hypothetical scenarios of gross domestic product (GDP) growth reduction that could materialize based on different forecasts emerging in association with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It analyses optimistic, mild and pessimistic scenarios prospecting a reduction in GDP growth of, respectively, 2, 5 and 10 percentage points (p.p.). First, a GMM model over the 1995–2017 period is used to estimate elasticities of the per capita food supply and GDP growth reduction in low-and middle-income countries. Then, the simulated reduction in food supply [...]



Addressing inequality in times of COVID-19

The initial direct impact of COVID-19 is on health, in terms of morbidity and mortality, with quickly overburdened health care services. The containment measures taken to curb the impact of COVID-19 have indirectly been socially and economically devastating and will significantly set back efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda, including SDGs 1, 2 and 10 on poverty, food security and inequality. Inequality between countries and within countries is strongly conditioning the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and these inequalities will likely worsen due to COVID-19. However, rising inequality is not inevitable; national institutions, politics and policy can [...]



COVID-19 and rural poverty: Supporting and protecting the rural poor in times of pandemic

While the immediate impact of COVID19 in most parts of the world has been primarily urban, the economic impact of COVID19 spread quickly to rural areas. In most cases, the contagion will eventually follow. Most of the world’s poor and food insecure live in rural areas, and although physical distance, relative isolation, lower population density and their own production of food play in favour for rural areas, they are particularly vulnerable to suffering severe impact from the pandemic and the ensuing economic contraction. Rural areas, particularly in the developing world, are much less prepared to deal with the direct and [...]



Identifying and addressing the threats against food recovery and redistribution

Many communities and vulnerable individuals rely on foodbanks and other food recovery and redistribution charities to ensure they have access to enough food to build resilience in their communities, reduce food insecurity and contribute to healthier diets. Quite often foodbanks are able to distribute processed foods with limited access to highly perishable fresh foods, resulting in nutrient deficiencies of beneficiaries who are dependent on these charitable organizations for their food needs. Throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is recommended that food banks, seek to source and offer, as far as possible, fresh fruits and vegetables and limit the quantities of calorie dense [...]