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Support to the development of national strategies for post-harvest loss reduction. United Nations Rome-based Agencies support to the development of the Republic of Uganda's national strategy on post-harvest loss reduction in grain supply chains

This technical brief discusses the process of development of the Uganda national strategy on post-harvest loss reduction in grain supply chains which was developed in the framework of the project using the FAO food loss analysis methodology. The brief shares recommendations and lessons learned from the development of the strategy, which can be used or adapted by governments developing a postharvest loss reduction strategy to coordinate interventions, engage with key stakeholders, and invest and allocate resources to achieve post-harvest loss reduction goals.



Framework for boosting intra-African trade in agricultural commodities and services

The African agricultural and food market is expanding quickly as indicated by World Bank projections that show that the value of Africa’s agriculture and agribusiness industry is expected to more than triple to reach USD 1 trillion by 2030, compared to 2010 (World Bank, 2013).This provides an opportunity to not only boost trade in food and non-food agricultural commodities and services within the continent but also enhance food security in Africa. Regional integration is also gaining momentum as evidenced by progress in the creation of customs unions and the initial steps in setting up a common external tariff at the [...]

Case study


Chaîne de valeur du riz au Mali - Analyse prospective et stratégies pour une croissance inclusive et durable

Cette étude est une évaluation multi-impact de la filière riz au Mali sur la période 2020-2030. Les résultats indiquent que le Mali peut être auto-suffisant et exportateur net de riz à l’horizon 2030 si la production croît à un rythme d’au moins 6,6 pour cent par an pendant 10 ans passant de 2,8 à 5,5 millions de tonnes. De façon spécifique, cette croissance entrainera la hausse des revenus des riziculteurs de 494 à 885 USD en moyenne. Le revenu par producteur dans la riziculture en maîtrise totale connaitra une amélioration de 1 485 à 2 994 USD soit une croissance [...]

Issue paper


Rice value chain in Ghana – Prospective analysis and strategies for sustainable and pro-poor growth

Based on past experience of partnership on support to National Rice Development Strategies (NRDS) within Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD), AfricaRice and FAO decided to conduct a series of rice policy reviews for Ghana, Ivory Coast and Mali in 2019. The following study uses the Ex-ante Carbon-balance Value Chain tool (EX-ACT VC), developed in 2016 by FAO, to assess the Ghanaian rice value chain’s environmental (in terms of climate mitigation and climate resilience) and socio-economic impact for a business as usual scenario in 2020 compared to a growth scenario for 2030.Promotion of good agricultural practices (GAP), the reduction of [...]

Issue paper


Analyse de la chaîne de valeur riz en Côte d’Ivoire - Optimiser l’impact socio-économique et environnemental d’un scénario d’autosuffisance à l’horizon 2030

Les importations du riz en Côte d’Ivoire ont connu une forte croissance ces dernières années en dépit du potentiel d’accroissement de la production locale. Afin de réaliser une autosuffisance en riz à l’horizon 2030, le gouvernement ivoirien s’est donné pour ambition d’accroitre la production et les capacités de transformation locale. Ainsi, cette étude est une analyse prospective de la filière riz en Côte d’Ivoire sur la période 2020-2030. L’objectif est d’évaluer l’impact économique et environnemental de la situation actuelle de la filière comparé à celui d’un Scénario futur d’amélioration (Scénario de réalisation de l’auto-suffisance alimentaire). Enfin, l’étude propose une évaluation [...]



The agrifood system and the challenges of COVID-19, January/2021 - No.7. Trade facilitation policies and measures in Latin America and the Caribbean in response to COVID-19

This document contains a summary of the trade facilitation measures implemented by the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and the main obstacles that must be faced to maintain active intra-regional and non-regional trade flow in the context of the covid 19 pandemics.Ver la lista completa de Notas de orientación sobre COVID-19. Also available in Spanish



Food systems transformation. Promoting sustainable local value chains by improving food systems for better food security and nutrition

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the functioning and resilience of our food supply chains. While lockdown and social-distancing measures have, understandably, been implemented to tackle the public health threat, they have also affected food markets from local to global level. Some supply chains (such as wet markets and the hospitality sector) have been completely disrupted or seen significant operational change. Consumption patterns have changed, too, largely for fear of food shortages, reduced incomes and the closure of food outlets (canteens, restaurants and hotels). Containment measures notwithstanding, food production, processing, access and availability continued and must be maintained to ensure food and [...]



Implementing livestock sector policies, laws and regulations. Milestones for an evidence based multi-stakeholder dialogue

The brief presents the foundations for an evidence based multi-stakeholder dialogue aimed at facilitating the enforcement of laws and regulations on biosecurity practices along the livestock value chain. It systematizes the information necessary to faciliate policy implementation and key elements of a participatory multi-stakeholder dialogue.

Case study


Agricultural value chain finance innovations and lessons. Case studies in Africa

Agricultural Value Chain Finance Innovations and Lessons: Case Studies in Africa documents key aspects and lessons from selected best practice cases for training and learning. Using site visits to document the information, the 22 practical case studies and examples were developed across Africa to portray a diverse set of experiences that address different aspects of applying agricultural financing using a value chain approach. The cases are of varied length and complexity. Eighteen short case studies for use in time-constrained workshop settings are presented and together with four longer, highlight cases, which deal with more complex arrangements and business models. The [...]

Issue paper


Empowering young agri-entrepreneurs to invest in agriculture and food systems. Policy recommendations based on lessons learned from eleven African countries

Measures that empower young agri-entrepreneurs should be a key component of a sustainable development-centred investment promotion strategy. The very realization of future generations’ food security, the sustainable transformation of food systems and the combat against unemployment and distress migration all depend upon the successful implementation of strategies that make the agri-food sector more attractive for the youth. This, in turn, requires smart policy responses that will help young investors overcome the numerous barriers they face – access to finance, land, information and technical services, to name but the most crucial ones.Since 2017, FAO has provided support to African and South-East [...]